When they saw Delevingne getting four kills so early and almost going berserk, many viewers immediately turned off the live broadcast.

At this point, what's the difference between the game and the end?

After getting first blood in the early stage, many viewers felt that Taobo was safe.

Now less than 8 minutes have passed and Draven has four heads on the opposite side. How should we deal with it?

Is there any other way besides unplugging the network cable?

Fans who continued to watch the game happened to see Chen Ke start to cut off his troops to suppress him.

Suddenly I felt cold and trembling.

This person has gone too far. Is there anyone who cares?

Chen Ke dared to play like this because he was sure that no one could take care of him for the time being.

Pioneer is about to refresh, and Casa has no problem in the top half.

I played a clockwork on my left hand, knowing that I couldn't support the ice girl, so I simply chose to continue pushing the line.

Now that the ice girl has arrived on the line, it is impossible for the left hand to step down to support.

If the bottom lane is just 2 vs 2, there is nothing they can do if Chen Ke makes a fool of himself.

With this kind of development, Draven, even if he still has a lot of money and hasn't gone back to buy equipment, his brother can't beat him.

In addition to the gap between heroes and equipment, Chen Ke is also ahead in level.

Now Chen Ke has reached level six, and Senna has died in two waves and is still at level five.

Without a big move, the combat effectiveness is even more incomparable.

"I think it's better to go to Pioneer instead of spending time here."

The colonel gave pertinent advice.

Being disconnected all the time, the defense tower swallowed up the soldiers on the opposite side one after another.

Not to mention the economy, it doesn’t even smell like experience.

Even Senna hasn't picked up the soul for a long time.

If we continue at this pace, the bottom lane will be suppressed by two levels.

Taobo's bottom lane duo reacted quickly. Without teammates coming to support them, there was really nothing they could do about this situation, so they simply turned around and went to the top half.

The bot lane team goes to support Rift Herald, which is a common rhythm this year.

With the start close to collapse, the Canyon Pioneer Taobo seemed to have a good chance of getting it.

Because in terms of upper, middle and jungle, G2's middle and jungle just came down with four and two, and both of them used all their ultimate moves.

Now there are two less big moves.

Ice Girl is bigger than Bear, so they are both crucial in a fight.

On the other hand, Taobo's top, middle and jungle skills are all there.

As a wrist hero, his fighting power is very strong.

The prince enters the field with a wind-up ball. If the ultimate move is done well, it should not be underestimated.

The most powerful player on G2 is Draven.

But after the wave just now, Chen Ke did not go back immediately, but chose to eat the tapi and then disconnected.

Now he wants to go back and replenish equipment to fight as a vanguard, but it is obviously too late.

Chen Ke could choose to play this way because the team had a discussion and felt that Pioneer should be let go.

At this point in time, Chen Ke is very powerful and his equipment is far ahead.

But as a hero, Draven is definitely not as comfortable playing in a group as he is in a lane.

The lack of two ultimate moves in the middle and jungle will definitely have an impact on team fights.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Ke's flash failed to improve, and the prince on the other side directly blocked him with a big move, which was relatively risky.

It's not a big problem to give up the vanguard. Once the opponent's bottom lane is gone, Chen Ke can continue to eat tapioca.

When the opponent got the vanguard, Chen Ke and his assistant ate two more layers of tart skin before choosing to go back.

After returning home, Chen Ke directly took out the Blood Blade Attack Speed ​​Shoes.

The critical strike style Draven has always been played, but now it is obvious that the Demon Sect armor-piercing style has taken over the mainstream.

The set of Chu Mo Sect needs to be formed faster.

Normally, the first thing is to move out of the Demon Sect, in order to quickly stack up the Demon Sect.

Whether the magic cut is stacked or not, the damage difference is quite big.

But Chen Ke was too fat this time, so he simply took out the Bloody Blade first.

This piece of equipment is a single-band artifact.

There is a saying that this equipment was eliminated by a hot man’s top skateboard shoes.

Normally, this piece of equipment is not suitable for the bottom lane, but it works well with the hero Draven.

If you want to penetrate armor and also want some blood-sucking, then this is the only equipment, and it is very cost-effective.

"G2 released it directly, and Taobo easily controlled the vanguard."

"For Taobo, at least he has some rhythm."

Seeing that Taobo successfully obtained the more important first vanguard, several commentators were completely unexcited.

It’s true that I really can’t say that kind of thing.

Pioneer's minimum guarantee is only two tapis.

On the lower side of the road, just after completing the four-pack-two wave, a few people instantly destroyed a precarious layer of the tape.

Later, Chen Ke and the assistant ate two more layers.

Taobo's bottom defense tower only has the last two layers of tower skin left, and its health is already running low.

In this case, the first-blood tower will definitely not be able to defeat G2. If it only takes two layers of tower skin, the vanguard will still lose money.

If you count the troops that are losing in the bottom lane, you would be embarrassed to say that they are not losing.

After Chen Ke came out of the house, he went to the bottom lane and prepared to forcefully remove the first blood tower.

After Taobo finished playing the vanguard in the bottom lane, he went to the top lane.

Go to the top lane to face Ornn, and at least you can cooperate with the vanguard to get some tapis.

If you encounter Chen Ke when you go back to the bottom lane, you can't even see the connection anymore.

Now the equipment gap is so big that it has nothing to do with technology or operation.

Draven comes up and slashes you with his cluster blade a few times and then you're gone. No matter how good you are, what can you do?

Wunder is very direct in the top lane, and it is useless to keep his ultimate skill now.

Seeing the enemy line advancing, I immediately asked the sheep to clear the line.

Casa is here too, and it’s hard for him to defend three opponents by himself.

However, directly clearing the line with a big move will somewhat slow down the opponent's tower push speed.

There is no obstacle for Chen Ke.

Yangkuosi was still covering, and 369 didn't dare to defend it alone.

Chen Ke simply ate a health tower and directly received over 600 in his account.

Wealth is constantly flowing to those who are not short of money.

Chen Ke rushed to the middle almost non-stop.

As soon as he stopped, Taobo's bottom lane duo also had to come over. Clockwork alone in the middle lane couldn't line up.

After changing lanes, it's still pretty much the same as in the bottom lane.

My brother couldn't get out of the tower at all.

If it weren't for Tam, I might have died again.

Within a few minutes of the team's time, Chen Ke polished off the opponent's two layers of tape in the middle.

I also got my own red and blue buffs.

Chen Ke didn't even think about sucking blood. This one was fat enough, but the jungler insisted on calling me.

In 12 minutes, Chen Ke made the Demon Sect and came to a two-piece set of equipment.

Chen Ke, whose combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, has just arrived online and is clearing the tower and sending troops.

Something happened to the support.

During the laning phase, the two of them went home at different times.

When Chen Ke went home this time, his assistant did not come with him.

When Chen Ke came online, Mikxy wanted to do a ward in the opposite jungle.

The position was a little deep and I was caught.

At first, he was slowed down by Tam's licking, but he didn't take it seriously yet.

As a result, the clockwork popped out from the side and dealt a decisive move.

In a disadvantageous situation, it's good news if you can get a kill, so naturally your left hand won't be able to spare a big move.

Mikxy's flash was barely good, and it would be difficult to get caught by Clockwork's ultimate move, not to mention the prince rushing over.

It is very easy for three of Nakano Suke to kill him and one support.

"Give me your head, it's best to let Clockwork eat it!"

The colonel finally got interested, only to see Thresh throw a lantern before he died.

He instantly smiled and said, "Thresh is also very thin. He even threw a lantern to pretend there were teammates behind him."

The camera kept focusing on Thresh being beaten, but Chen Ke was not seen rushing here.

The moment Thresh fell, Chen Ke lit the lantern.


"Draven is here?"

The colonel's voice sounded shocked at first, and then ecstatic.

"The assistants are all dead, how dare you come here?"

Some people just don’t make lanterns simple, while some people just make lanterns simple!


PS: We are in the process of coding, please give me a vote, brothers!

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