Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 67: Two-in-one Commendation Order

Chapter 67 Two-in-one Commendation Order

Ten days have passed since the day when the Gallic chickens surrendered. The comrades in the military industrial area of ​​the Logistics Department have mastered the use of the new weapons production line. Brand-new firearms and bullets are now produced every day.

These weapons have been distributed and will be sent to the designated units by the transport team after a certain number.

 At the same time, good news also came from the rear.

The deputy director, a man who studied civil engineering, is still very capable. His team has thoroughly understood the drawings of the production line in just a few days. He is worthy of being the most suspected time traveler in modern times.

 Since he ran away with the bucket, he has carried two invincible BUFFs with him.

 The first one is that no matter what is needed in the organization, he can make it by his own self-taught hand.

They range from rifles, grenades, and mortars to radio stations and lathes that can be carried by seven people.

 When he first joined the organization, he caught up with the uprising in the city, but the local workers had no weapons.

 In order to arm the workers, the local representatives of the organization approached the young deputy director. After all, everyone knew that he came from a prestigious school.

He went to a street stall and bought some books on the day he received the mission. After half a month of self-study, he was able to produce explosives and grenades.

This was the first batch of self-made munitions organized by the organization, which helped a lot in the local uprising.

Later, the organization needed a radio station, so the deputy director went to a street stall and bought a few books.

 Coupled with the fact that I often go to big companies to learn from others, all parts are made by myself.

The buzzer, transformer, and keys all depended on one pair of hands. It took more than a year to complete the transceiver.

 Later, due to some special reasons, the young deputy director was forced to move and work in the north.

 At that time, he also wrote a paper called "Sending Rhombus Antenna".

At that time, this paper shocked the entire European academic community and made him a highly authoritative radio expert.

When Huang He went to the Second Special Design Bureau, he specifically wanted to make friends with this god-like man.

 Unfortunately, the two of them were separated from each other, and the deputy director returned to the motherland first.

The second BUFF is that no matter what job the organization assigns him to do, even if it is far from his major, he can do it successfully and become a mess.

His life has verified a saying, the truly strong do not need golden fingers, they themselves are more powerful than golden fingers.

Huang He still remembers the first time he chatted with the deputy director. He said something very meaningful to him.

Every time in the dead of night, he would use this sentence to motivate himself.

“It is of course obligatory and extremely honorable to do one’s best for the sake of the country.”

In the rear area, the deputy director and the fierce men around him combined with the various lathes produced by the Yellow River Passage System, greatly increasing the speed of the Eighth Route Army's industrialization.

 Even for the production line of new weapons, the deputy director and others have already started manufacturing with the existing equipment.


On this day, Huang He had just finished his morning work and was going to go to the cooking class to have something to eat. However, not long after he walked out of the laboratory, he saw Li Yunlong with a happy face.

Director Li Da also holds a piece of paper full of writing in his hand. If anyone is unaware, they will definitely think that this guy is taking money.

After discovering his fellow countryman by accident, he immediately approached him, took Huang He's arm, and hurried to his office.

Facing the bull-like Li Yunlong, Huang He helplessly shouted: "Alas, Lao Li, what are you doing?"

The other party said without looking back: "I have received the commendation order. Please help me read it quickly. I don't know some of the words." Although Li Yunlong works in the breeding farm, he will participate in the activities organized by the logistics department whenever he is free. Literacy classes.

But his foundation is really bad. After receiving the commendation order today, he originally wanted to go to the workshop director for help, but he met Huang He halfway.

With the mentality of showing off good things to his fellow villagers, he simply stopped halfway. After all, Huang He always stayed in his laboratory and couldn't come out.

 After arriving at the farm's office, Li Yunlong immediately took out his treasure and placed it on the table between the two of them.

 After reading it carefully, Huang He looked at the other party with a malicious smile.

 “Do you know who gave this letter of commendation?”

Li Yunlong thought about it for a moment and figured out the answer. Although the headquarters did not give him a written award, the division commander had already given him a note.

Even though the new troops have not been formed yet, the reward is already in hand. He asked tentatively:

“Is he from the transport brigade captain? Have you paid me? Such a long letter of commendation is not just a compliment, right?”

Although Huang He, who was pulled halfway by Li Yunlong, was not angry, anyone who was taken away from their meal would be unhappy, so he decided to tease him.

“You don’t know this guy Baldhead yet, so you don’t really expect him to give you any benefits, do you?”

“Counting the regiment flag you captured in Cangyunling and the big thing you and Zheng Yingqi did some time ago, Baldhead was given a total of five Czech light machine guns.”

The relationship between preserved fruits and the Eighth Route Army has always been very strange. Among them were the famous Seventh and a Half Route Army generals, and the transport captain who fell ill from time to time.

The reason why Li Yunlong didn't report any hope is because there have been cases of great achievements in the past, but in order not to increase the power of the Eighth Route Army, the bald man only gave verbal rewards.

"As expected of him, he is really stingy. He only gave me such a gadget after collecting so much tax."

Looking at the cursing Factory Director Li Da, Huang He decided to tell him the truth to save him from becoming angry.

“Okay, I won’t tease you anymore. The reward this time is quite good. Chong Q gave me 20,000 yuan, and Yan Laoxi also gave me 5,000 yuan.”

“But don’t even think about this money. The headquarters probably already has a distribution plan.”

 After saying this, Huang He was a little surprised to find that the other party was not angry.

 Facts have proved that Li Yunlong has indeed changed a lot these days.

If the rewards given to him were distributed in the past, although he would not dare to go to the headquarters to make mischief, he would definitely curse in private.

 But today he just curled his lips in some distress, with no sign of cursing at all.

“Hey, you, Mr. Li, have a very high level of ideological awareness now. Don’t you feel bad when you lose your money?”

Facing the ridicule from his fellow villagers, Li Yunlong waved his hand impatiently. It was obvious that he still had some emotions in his heart.

"Go away, who are you looking down on? I have been in the army for so many years and still don't have the consciousness? I, Li Yunlong, am not a warlord. What am I doing with this money? With this money, the headquarters can do a lot more ”

"And the bosses have clear rewards and punishments. They have their own arrangements for this matter."

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lao Li has some thoughts, when he says these words, people have to look at him high.

 Huang He gave Li Yunlong a thumbs up, and then asked him to go to dinner with him.

 However, they found a familiar figure

   The deputy director once earned 3 billion in foreign exchange and was the first person to cross the border



 (End of this chapter)

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