In the S3 season, the LPL summer playoffs only started after the S3 global finals.

In the summer playoffs, there is no special honor except a little bonus.

The champion of the previous S3 summer playoffs was the PE team, and it was also the LPL league champion with the least presence in the LPL.

For such a game, Lu Yiming asked EDG's new substitute mid laner Wei Zhen to come on and practice his skills. After returning, Mingkai also had other things on his mind and gave up the jungle position to EDG's substitute jungler Mala Xiangguo. .

The core of EDG is the midfielder.

Lu Yiming is the commander of EDG, the brain of EDG, and the engine of EDG.

Mingkai is another engine of EDG.

The midfielder with Lu Yiming and Mingkai is the real EDG, and now Wei Zhen replaces Lu Yiming, and Mala Xiangguo replaces Mingkai. The two of them have strength, but they are too young and immature.

The midfielder was replaced, and the command was handed over to top laner Zhu Xiaolong. In his previous life, Zhu Xiaolong served as the coach of the VG team, and now he has been with Lu Yiming for so long, so he still has some commanding ability.

The first game of the S3 summer playoffs is EDG versus the IG team.

IG has not had any personnel changes from the end of the S3 Global Finals selection in September to late October. They faced EDG who replaced EDG as a substitute, but they were still swept and defeated by the EDG team.

IG's top lane overlord PDD and Long 64 opened up. IG's bottom lane duo Xiaoxiao and the child Youshen were killed by Hirano Aya and Sima Laothief. The soft-spoken DJing boy in the middle faced the fledgling Wei Zhen. , there was no advantage in laning.

IG's jungler Shadow was completely stunned by EDG's new jungler Mala Xiangguo.

Mala Xiangguo is the most reckless jungler that Shadow has ever seen, and EDG's substitute mid laner GODV has a style similar to Lu Yiming.

But the styles of Mala Xiangguo and Mingkai are completely different. Mingkai mainly controls the map in the jungle. Once the wild monsters in the jungle are countered by Mingkai, you basically can't eat them.

But the spicy hot pot is completely different. This guy is so straightforward.

The shadow was clearing the jungle, and Malaxiangguo controlled the hero to come to his face. He didn't care whether he could beat him or not, and he didn't care if there was anyone to support him. He just came up and did it.

This makes Shadow feel like he is playing in the silver rank. He just goes online and works. Only those who are alive deserve to eat wild monsters!

And what makes Shadow most uncomfortable is that with the help of his teammates, he killed the invading Mala Xiang Guo, but after Mala Xiang Guo died, not only did he not give in, but he continued to invade.

It is really rare for a reckless man to be so reckless.

Fortunately, EDG's top laner Zhu Xiaolong and the bottom lane duo understand the military line well enough to provide support to Mala Xiangguo, otherwise Mala Xiangguo could counterattack and destroy itself.

The bottom lane of the S3 championship team EDG has become stronger after experiencing the baptism of the World Championship.

Their midfielder and jungler were originally ranked number one in the world, but EDG has been baptized by the World Championship and is able to withstand pressure on the top lane and is as stable as a rock.

EDG's bottom lane has gone from being AFKed in the grass every day by Uzi, and has become a top bottom lane that can complete laning kills. Even LPL viewers believe that EDG's veteran Sima and Hirano Aya is already the top bottom lane in LPL.

EDG defeated IG and advanced easily. On the other side, the OMG team that changed the bottom lane has completely made up for its shortcomings and is more ferocious than before.

When they faced the old rival Royal Family, they easily killed the Royal Family. Uzi+Tabe's bottom lane combination was even unexpectedly defeated by OMG's new bottom lane combination with a solo kill.

The OMG team, which has completed its personnel changes, has met the audience's expectations for them. Many viewers feel that OMG team and EDG team will be the two heroes of the LPL next year!

"There is something wrong with the royal family. They lost inexplicably."

Lu Yiming, who was watching the whole game, saw after watching the game between OMG and Royal Family, he found that all members of Royal Family were out of shape. Not only did they not grow after experiencing the World Championship, but they actually regressed.

Could it be that the royal family is about to disintegrate?

Disintegrate directly like the previous life?

Lu Yiming guessed in his heart, and soon, the royal family proved Lu Yiming's guess.

The Royal Family, which was brutally beaten by OMG in the S3 summer playoffs, disintegrated that night.

Royal Family's mid laner, Wh1t3zZ, who claims to be 50-50 equal to the Godfather, immediately announced his retirement.

Two days later, Royal Family's jungler and auxiliary Tabe also announced his retirement. For a time, the top four Royal Family in the S3 season fell apart and disbanded.

The fans of the royal family find it difficult to accept the disbandment of the royal family. How can the top four royal families disband just because they say they are disbanded?

They were a group of fans who were still waiting for the Royal Family to reinforce their team, but they were immediately disbanded, leaving only top laner Shenchao and ADC Jian Ziwei.

The disbandment of the royal family caused quite a stir in the LOL circle. Lu Yiming, who had experienced this in his previous life, was still a little surprised.

The royal family in the previous life was scolded to the point of being autistic. Although the royal family in this life was also wildly insulted, it was not as cruel as in the previous life.

The dissolution of the royal family in this life can only be said to be a bit surprising, but understandable.

The LOL circle has been extremely lively since the end of the S3 Finals. On November 4, 2013, the EDG team, which had dominated the LPL for nearly a year, ushered in its first defeat.

In the S3 Summer Playoffs Finals, the EDG team lost to the OMG team 2:3. In this BO5, Wei Zhen and Mala Xiangguo were too immature and chased the remaining blood, causing the EDG team to lose. To the OMG team.

Replacing the OMG team that had fallen off the lane and winning the LPL Summer Championship was a bit of an achievement in the S3 season.

At the end of the game, the LPL audience did not criticize the EDG team members for their performance in the summer playoffs. Obviously, the EDG team, which had just won the S3 finals, did not regard the summer playoffs as an important game.

The most discussed ones are EDG's two substitutes, GODV and MLXG.

As the substitute of GodFather, GODV is called the successor of God. He has indeed shown his talent in the game. He is a very talented and powerful player.

However, in the primary arena of GODV, there are some operations, but the overall view and awareness are quite immature, and there is still a big gap between the smoothness shown by the Godfather when he first entered the arena.

But a godfather is a godfather after all, and it is already rare to have a godfather in the LPL.

Most viewers are very optimistic about GODV, even if it is very harsh against professional players.

"The God's Heir is still very good. In the first game, he was able to maintain a low posture and withstand Cool's attack."

"This guy is indeed qualified to use the ID of GOD. If God trains him well, he can also become a first-class mid laner in the LPL."

"There are operations and details. The most important thing is that he has learned the godfather's set of over-time development. I don't even know how many groups of 3 wolves and F4 this guy has eaten from the jungle."

"He can do C, but he's easy to catch and is a bit immature. OMG put a little bait and he bit it. I heard that this player is 16 years old. After polishing it, he will be a mid laner in the LPL in a year or two."

"EDG has a sense of urgency and is starting to prepare a substitute mid laner!"

"EDG's jungler Mala Xiangguo is also very powerful. I feel that both the godfather and the factory director are at the top now. There is no point in having a substitute. But it would be nice to directly form a second team."

The anti-bar friends recognized the strength of GODV and Mala Xiangguo. When they were discussing the replacement of EDG's two young players, the US server updated a brand new version, which is also the last version of the S3 season.

In the last version of the S3 season, there were big changes.

To sum it up, the mid laner hero was cut down all over!

The damage of Enchantress's Q skill is reduced, and the cooldown of her ultimate skill is increased.

The passive attack power of Zed's W skill has been directly reduced from the highest 25% bonus to 15%.

The murloc has reduced the damage of the QW skill and increased the cooldown time of the E skill.

The passive of the wine barrel increases the cooling time, and it can no longer recover blood without CD as before.

At the same time, the base damage of the barrel's Q skill and R skill has been reduced, and the AP bonus has also been reduced a bit.

Riven's passive bonus is reduced, the cooldown of her E skill is increased by 1 second, the shield duration is reduced by 0.5 seconds, the damage of Leopard's Q skill is reduced, and the fox is also cut down.

Riot has also optimized the hatred mechanism between minions and defense towers. The mechanism of Lu's flat A still exists, but now when a hero uses skills to attack enemy heroes, it will also cause hatred between minions and defense towers.

At the same time, Riot designers also released an interview video, in which they mentioned the two heroes Nanny and Poppy:

"We are very concerned about the performance of Soraka, Son of the Stars. Soraka's current performance has exceeded our expectations. We position it as an auxiliary, but now Soraka rarely appears in the auxiliary position, and more Most of them appear on the road.

Soraka broke the ecological balance of the top lane. Her performance in the top lane exceeded other strong top lane heroes. If you just simply change Soraka's value, it will be difficult to change this situation.

We decided to redo the hero Soraka to make Soraka’s positioning clearer and more in line with Soraka’s background story. "

“As for Poppy, for the hero Poppy, his gameplay mechanism is too simple. As long as any team has the hero Poppy, the team only needs to protect Poppy’s development until the later stages.

Poppy, the hero, changed the way the game is played as soon as it appeared. We advocate diversification of tactics and games.

We won't take action against Poppy for the time being. We need to re-observe Poppy and determine the significance of Poppy's existence and whether it is similar to other heroes. "

Riot's latest version update changes and video of designer talks were spread to China, shocking domestic LOL players.

"Damn it, are the fists aimed at Godfather like this? I asked him which of the heroes Godfather has played has not been chopped down?"

"What the hell do you mean by fists? Enchantress was chopped down, the little murloc was chopped down, the barrel was chopped three times, Riven was chopped down, Leopard Girl was chopped down, Soraka needs to be redone, and Poppy may need to be redone. .

The heroes used in the Godfather finals were all chopped apart except for the clockwork. "

"Fuck, what kind of hatred and hatred is this? Are you so cruel to your godfather?"

"Garbage fist, garbage North America. If you can't beat the Godfather, then start weakening the Godfather. Garbage is garbage!"

For this update of Riot Games, the LOL audience was furious. Riot Games cut off almost all the heroes used by The Godfather at once. This was a clear target against The Godfather.

Not even bothering to cover up.

Regarding this update of Riot Games, many fans of Lu Yiming went crazy on Weibo. @His father, @EDG e-sports club, wanted to know what Lu Yiming thought of it.

In response to this, Lu Yiming posted a status on Weibo: "You have to let your fist target me. If you don't target me, other teams will have no chance! You have to give other regions a chance, otherwise OGN should call League of Legends again. It’s a rubbish game and they don’t play it anymore.”

Lu Yiming's words immediately made LPL players burst into laughter. They originally thought that after a year of accumulation and growth, Lu Yiming would not be as random as before.

As a result, good guy, now he stops trolling people and starts acting weird.

Regarding Lu Yiming's dangerous speech, many fans are worried that Lu Yiming will be sprayed to death by Koreans and spiritual Koreans!

Lu Yiming's fans even took it upon themselves to protect Lu Yiming.

"Protect Godfather. Anyone who dares to criticize Godfather must get past me first!"

"Where are the spiritual Koreans? Come and fight your father to the death!"

"I'm here today to see how many people dare to criticize the Godfather."

"Korean people are like this. If you can't beat them, you won't play. That's how Dota was back then, and it will be the same in LoL in the future!"

"Today I have the knife in my hand and I will kill the Korean dog!"

EDG fans protected Lu Yiming, but fans in South Korea angrily scolded Lu Yiming after learning about Lu Yiming's speech. Some people in Korea even took it out on the NJS team and SKT T1 team after scolding Lu Yiming!

If these two teams hadn't performed so arrogantly, EDG wouldn't have been so arrogant!

Although Riot's version update is just a minor episode for Lu Yiming, Lu Yiming is still a little proud.

Since his rebirth, Riot’s updates and changes to LOL have been completely different from his previous life.

He, the world's number one mid laner, and EDG's performance in the World Championship have influenced the updates and changes to the LOL game.

The world line has changed!

After Riot announced the new update, more than a month later, Riot staff finally contacted the EDG team and asked EDG's winning members to choose heroes and create winning skins for EDG.

The S3 season is the first time that Riot has started to produce S series championship skins. Riot will let EDG members choose the heroes they like and have used in the S3 global finals.

At the same time, they will also ask about the style of EDG's overall skin, but they will not communicate with the team members about the details of the skin, the return animation, etc. like later generations.

"Brother Lu, Brother Lu, what skin are you going to choose?"

The old thief Sima came behind Lu Yiming excitedly, moved a stool and sat down directly.


In the S3 global finals, Lu Yiming used Enchantress, Soraka, Riven, Murloc, Poppy, Barrel, Clockwork and Leopard Girl respectively.

Lu Yiming unceremoniously chose the hero Riwen.

In fact, Lu Yiming prefers to choose the two heroes Zed or Blind Sin, but unfortunately, he did not show it in the S3 global finals.

"Not the Enchantress? I thought you wanted to choose the Enchantress?"

"You used Enchantress to trigger a network-wide Lu Family A-level challenge!"

"Riven is the first of my "Founders" series. After the Riot Champion skin is completed, I will use my skin to re-record the "Founders" series."

The main reason why Lu Yiming chose Riven is because the hero Riven will continue to be cut down in the future, and it will be difficult to continue to use it in the game.

Unless Lu Yiming switches to the top order.

"Sima Niu, which hero do you choose?"

Lu Yiming asked the old thief Sima in return, and the old thief Sima chuckled: "I must choose the big mouth, the hero of labor and management!"

"EZ is the most popular hero. In fact, I should choose EZ, but there are too many EZ skins, and there is also the ultimate skin of Future Warrior. Not many people will buy the champion skin."

The old thief Sima's calculations were very loud. Ming Kai on the side rolled his eyes and mentally changed the champion skin hero from the pig girl to the prince.

Pig Girl, he is very good at it, but players don't like it very much, and he is far less popular than the Prince.

The hero Prince is one of the popular heroes in League of Legends.

Coupled with the popularity of the third season of "La La La Demacia", more people like this hero.

I heard that the fourth season of "La La La Demacia" will be renamed "Super Seminary" and will be released in December. If there are scenes of the prince in "Super Seminary", the prince's popularity will skyrocket again!

This is all small money!

Hearing Lu Yiming and the others discussing the choice of champion skins, Hirano Ling and Zhu Xiaolong also joined in.

Hirano Aya said that she must choose the cow head, there is no other choice.

Among many heroes, Zhu Xiaolong finalized the role of Crocodile.

Crocodile is a versatile hero in the top lane. If you don’t know which hero to choose on the top lane, you can definitely pick out Crocodile.

Everyone quickly decided on their favorite heroes. Wei Zhen and Mala Xiangguo, who were training with EDG, had envious expressions.

When will they get their own champion skin?

EDG only needs to tell Riot staff about the hero. As for the style and details of the skin, Riot itself decided in the S3 season. However, when contacting Riot staff, Lu Yiming still communicated with Riot staff. Then, I talked about the color style and theme I wanted.

Riot staff said they would consider Lu Yiming’s proposal.

In addition to the championship skin, the champion of the S3 season has a championship eye skin for the first time.

This championship eye skin is a reward for the EDG team’s legendary performance of being undefeated in the S3 finals.

There’s nothing much to say about EDG’s champion guard skin. The black and red eyes have EDG’s mark on them.

The production time of champion skins is about 5 months. At the end of March or early April 2014, EDG's champion skins will be available for sale.

"Damn it, damn it, I feel like I'm going to get rich again next year!"

After the old thief Sima finalized his skin, he was very excited. A portion of the sales of LOL's champion skin will be given to the players. When EDG's champion skin sells well, he will make a fortune.

"Sima Niu, what are you going to do now that you are suddenly rich?"

"Buy a more realistic doll?"

Lu Yiming joked, and the old thief Sima immediately retorted: "You know nothing, labor and management are going to visit the Ghost Island Country!"

"As a man, how can I not experience whether Tokyo is hot or not?"

"By the way, I would like to say hello to the teachers and appreciate their skills up close."

? ? ?

Lu Yiming has a black question mark face.

Why didn't he see that old thief Sima still had this dream?

Doesn’t this old thief Sima only like the second dimension?

Books of various LOL heroines.

Could it be that old thief Sima also secretly hid 50 G of teacher information?

"Sima Niu, I'm going too, we'll go together later!"

Hirano Ling gave the old thief Sima an "I understand you" look. Lu Yiming was happy. Hirano Ling, a sultry slut, had learned bad things from the old thief Sima.

OMG won the S3 season summer championship, which did not cause much sensation. Riot Games' last version update of the S3 season lasted for a few days and then dropped in popularity.

But the impact of the S3 season finals is still spreading.

The S3 Finals created many records in e-sports. When EDG played against SKT T1 in the S3 Finals, the number of people watching the game at the same time soared to more than 27 million.

This number of people is three times that of the semi-finals. Such a terrifying number of people has strengthened Riot's determination to continue hosting the S Series Finals, and also made countless capitals smell the smell of money.

On November 14, 2013, the South Korean NJS team announced its disbandment and the establishment of an NJW team.

S3 was beaten 3:0 by the EDG team. NJ Black Sword became history, and NJ White Shield was established.

At the same time, the SSO team under South Korea's Samsung was renamed SSW. SSW's mid laner Dade was transferred to the SSB team, while SSB's mid laner Pawn was promoted to SSW.

The personnel adjustment could not satisfy Samsung's ambitions. After Riot Games announced on November 8, 2013 that LOL clubs could introduce foreign players, Samsung immediately called EDG's mid laner Lu Yiming and asked if Lu Yiming was willing to join the Samsung team.

If Lu Yiming is willing to cross the border and come to South Korea to work professionally, Samsung will offer him a salary of 200 million yuan.

Two hundred million won, based on the exchange rate in 2013, is probably more than one million.

This is not the first club to recruit Lu Yiming. Before Samsung, the C9 team in North America and the FNC team in Europe had approached Lu Yiming.

The C9 team is willing to pay Lu Yiming a salary of 100,000 US dollars (610,000), and FNC offers Lu Yiming a salary of 100,000 euros (810,000).

Among the many clubs that invited Lu Yiming, Samsung was the most generous. The annual salary of more than one million really shocked Wei Zhen and Mala Xiangguo.

These two people now only earn just over 2,000 yuan a month. They are the number one player in LOL e-sports and the godfather of the world's number one mid laner. There are already clubs willing to offer an annual salary of more than one million yuan, which is equivalent to an income of almost 100,000 yuan per month.

Faced with such high salaries from other clubs, local tycoon Ed Zhu backhandedly offered Lu Yiming a salary of 1.5 million a year, and also privately promised to give Lu Yiming a certain amount of shares.

It's impossible to go to other countries to play, and Ed Zhu is very generous with the money. The annual salary of 1.5 million is 985, a salary that you can't get even after graduating from 211.

Compared with its previous life, S4’s revenue instantly tripled or quadrupled.

Lu Yiming's income has skyrocketed, and the incomes of other EDG champion members have also skyrocketed. The world's number one jungler Mingkai has an annual salary of 1 million, and the other three members have an annual salary of 600,000 to 700,000.

After the EDG team's income was exposed, not to mention LPL viewers and players were shocked, even the rest of society was shocked.

"What the hell??? Am I crazy or is the world crazy? A bastard who plays games earns 1.5 million a year???"

"Oh my God, how can I make money playing games now? With an annual salary of 1.5 million, how many buns do I need to make!"

"The salary of LOL players has skyrocketed so much? When Ruofeng retired, he revealed that his income was only more than 10,000 yuan a month. How come the godfather's income is 1.5 million a year?"

"Ruofeng dares to compete with Godfather at any level? Godfather is the number one in e-sports. It is rumored that Samsung in South Korea has offered an annual salary of one million to poach Godfather."

"The boss of EDG is very generous. If the godfather is poached, then LPL will be in trouble!"

"Is playing LOL so promising? Damn it, I have a damn talent for gaming, so I want to play professionally too!"

"Fuck, I scored more than 2,200 points in the S2 season. A club contacted me and asked me to play professionally. I thought I was a liar and refused. Now I'm reading three books. Is it still too late for me to play professionally?"

"Yang Yongxin comes out, grandpa asks you if you have a future in playing games!"

The Internet was completely blown up. They couldn't believe that a professional game player could get an annual salary of 1.5 million.

They can only lament that the world is too crazy.

Wages have increased dramatically, currently only for the EDG team. Other teams have also raised their wages, but compared to the crazy EDG, the salary increases for other teams are not very high.

The IG team's PDD income has increased to more than 20,000, which is the highest-paid team besides the EDG team.

After the EDG team's salary skyrocketed, a week later, EDG once again became a hot topic.

EDG team owner Ed Zhu purchased the PE team's LPL seats and changed its name to EDE team.

The EDE team was officially established. EDG's substitute mid laner EDG.GODV and EDG's substitute jungler EDG.MLXG were transferred to the EDE team.

At the same time, EDG also announced that a new player has joined the EDE team, a player named Ke Changyu with the game ID of 957.

EDE's top laner Ke Changyu, like Wei Zhen, took the initiative to contact the EDG team on his own. In the first half of 2013, Lu Yiming approached Ke Changyu and asked if Ke Changyu played professional games.

At that time, Ke Changyu had not yet finished his sophomore year and rejected the EDG team. He wanted to concentrate on completing his studies.

However, in November 2013, Ke Changyu, who was an intern at an electronics factory, was shocked when he saw EDG announcing that Lu Yiming's annual salary reached 1.5 million.

Especially when I saw that EDG's top laner Zhu Xiaolong also had an income of 600,000 to 700,000 yuan, I was even more annoyed.

His godfather had approached him and asked him if he wanted to pursue a career, but he rejected him.

Ke Changyu, who studied computer applications at Ningbo City Vocational and Technical School and went to an electronics factory for an internship in his junior year, immediately changed his mind.

Ke Changyu knew very well that as a college student, if he went to school and worked in a factory step by step, it would be almost impossible for him to earn five or six hundred thousand a year.

Ke Changyu decisively contacted the EDG team, and the EDG team responded and asked Ke Changyu to play at the Ionian Kings for a trial training with EDG.

Therefore, Ke Changyu, who was originally a masonry player, stayed up all night for nearly four days, defeated the king of Ionia, and got the opportunity to go to EDG for a trial training.

At the same time, Ke Changyu seized the opportunity of trial training and successfully stayed in the EDE team and became a member of the EDE team.

Although Ke Changyu's current income is only 2,500 yuan a month, the contract given by the EDG team is a flexible contract. The EDG team will increase the salary of the team members based on the EDE team's ranking in the S4 season and personal performance.

Ke Changyu broke the news first and told his parents. His parents completely disagreed, but Ke Changyu was determined to pursue a career. He gave up going to the electronics factory to screw screws as an internship and chose to stay in EDE.

After the EDE team was established, the EDE team already has top laner EDG.957, mid laner EDG.GODV, and jungler EDG.MLXG. Currently, EDG still lacks a bottom lane duo.

After the establishment of EDE, it directly announced the recruitment of ADC and assistants, with favorable treatment, and asked for the King of Ionia.

For a time, players from other servers poured into Ionia like crazy, started to increase their points, get into the king rank, and go to the EDG team for interviews.

EDE's meager contribution directly boosted the performance of Taobao stores that specialize in selling level 30 ranked LOL accounts.

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