After resting for half an hour, Yi Shuyuan followed the people from the paper mill into the bamboo forest in the mountains.

There are a large number of bamboo forests in this mountain area, which are far more numerous than other trees in the mountain. If you go deep into it, you will enter the ocean of bamboo.

The Chen family discussed many details with Yi Shuyuan, including how to choose bamboo, how to cut it, and where to start to transport it more easily, etc.

Yi Shuyuan was listening, but obviously he might not do so. When he entered the bamboo sea, his mind had already wandered away.

The entire bamboo sea seemed to come to life in Yi Shuyuan's place at this time. The bamboo branches and leaves fluttering in the wind were like the sound of the bamboo sea.

The Chen family has already begun to select bamboo, while Yi Shuyuan is shopping a little further away.

Others just thought Mr. Yi was here for an outing and didn't say much.

After all, even though Yi Shuyuan had a hatchet, his gentle demeanor made it difficult for him to cut such a big bamboo.

Yi Shuyuan closed his eyes and listened, listening to the rustle in the waves of the bamboo sea, the swaying of the bamboo, and feeling the flow of spiritual energy in the mountain.

There are also the chirping of birds, which sounds in the wind from time to time. It seems that the sounds of nature have their own destination.

This way!

Yi Shuyuan opened his eyes and walked deep into the bamboo forest.

"Mr. Yi, don't go too far. The bamboo forest is too big. Don't get lost."

Old Chen's voice came from over there, and Yi Shuyuan responded from a distance and continued walking.

But not long after, Chen Pingye followed him, fearing that something unexpected might happen to Yi Shuyuan and he would not be able to explain it.

"Mr. Yi, please don't go too far. This time, let's look for those on the side of the road first. The bad luck inside will come out."

Chen Pingye looked at Yi Shuyuan's figure from a distance, and shouted as he approached quickly. When he arrived, he found that Yi Shuyuan had stopped.

There were two towering large bamboos in front of Yi Shuyuan's eyes. The ethereal sound of the bamboos could be heard faintly as they swayed in the wind.

"This is it!"

As soon as Chen Pingye walked over, he found that Yi Shuyuan had bent down and stabbed the bottom of the bamboo with a hatchet.

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap".


After a few blows, a tall bamboo fell down——

It didn't take long for everyone in Zhifang to know that Yi Shuyuan was really not here for an outing.

"Dad, Mr. Yi is really strong!"

Chen Pingye doesn’t need to say this. You can tell just by watching him and Chen Pingye drag out two big bamboos together.

Then they cut bamboo together, loaded it on the truck, and transported it out of the forest. Yi Shuyuan participated and helped, and the barriers between everyone gradually eased.

The oxcart was dragged back and forth several times before all the bamboo that had been cut today was hauled away.

It was not dragged to the previous hill drying site, but to a pool in the mountains. There was also a straw shed here, which was obviously also a process site.

Here, Yi Shuyuan and others split the bamboo lengthwise, removed the skin, and then cut it into small pieces.

This work took up almost half of the day.

Finally, all the bamboos were processed and washed together. Except for Yi Shuyuan's two bamboos, which were separated separately, the other bamboos were tied up and thrown into the pool.

The day's work is considered complete.

These carefully selected bamboos need to be soaked in mountain spring running water for ten days before they can enter the next step of the process.

Another ten days later, Yi Shuyuan arrived as promised. This time, he washed it with lime slurry and then dried it in the sun.

Or ten days, or three to five days.

People from Yuanjiang Paper Mill have to go into the mountains to process materials, but Yi Shuyuan must be there every time and is never absent.

From soaking, starching, drying, crushing, alkaline water, and steaming.

Yi Shuyuan did every step personally and was extremely serious, making everyone in Yuanjiang Paper Shop familiar with his presence and no longer feeling restrained.

Strictly speaking, Yi Shuyuan is still a very competent helper. Not only does he work hard, but his physical strength is also not bad. He never calls for a break unless others tell him.

After a period of time, many rounds of materials had been processed before they were all transported to the boulder hill with people carrying them on their shoulders and pulling them in carts.

Piles of processed materials are spread out here, where they are exposed to wind and sun, and baptized by heaven and earth.

Perhaps Zhipinggang is truly a God-given place. Due to the unique geographical conditions of Zhipinggang, materials that take more than half a year or even a year to be dried in other places can be carried out in less than half a year here.

In the days that followed, Yi Shuyuan practiced hard while compiling county annals, waiting for the transformation of the materials.

Summer Solstice, Minor Heat, Major Heat, Beginning of Autumn, End of Heat, and White Dew.

Although Yi Shuyuan never went into the mountains with anyone from Yuanjiang Zhifang, almost every once in a while, he would go up the mountain to Zhipinggang to take a look.

This morning, the sun has risen.

Yi Shuyuan stood on a mountain peak opposite the hillock, looking in the direction of Zhipinggang.

"Sir, you should be fine soon, right?"

Hui Mian asked on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder, and Yi Shuyuan answered expectantly.

"Yeah, almost done"

After months of exposure to wind and sun, the crumb-like bamboo materials had lost their original color, and the surface was stained with a layer of snow-white.

Yi Shuyuan watched these materials transform little by little, until today they are like frost.

Chen Pingye yawned when he came out of the thatched cottage where he kept the feed. He habitually glanced around the feed yard and then looked at the surrounding mountains.


Chen Pingye, who had already scanned the hilltop on the opposite side, quickly turned his gaze back, but did not see anything special on the hilltop over there.

"Are you dazzled? It feels like someone was standing there just now."

Chen Pingye patted his head and prepared to wash up.

But Yi Shuyuan had already left with Hui Mian.


By the familiar mountain stream, the yellow rocks washed by the spring water are also about to complete their transformation.

It seemed that he had expected it, or it might have been Qin who had arrived recently.

When Yi Shuyuan arrived, Huang Hongchuan and Song Weng happened to be standing by the stream.

"I just said Mr. Yi will be here in the next two days, right?"

Huang Hongchuan smiled and said to Song Weng, and then they both raised their hands to Yi Shuyuan.

Yi Shuyuan returned the gift and said "Hello you two", and then he reached the stream in a few steps.

Huang Hongchuan looked at the stones and said calmly.

“The spirituality is already established, it’s almost time.”

"Indeed, it's almost here!"

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan rolled up the sleeve of his right arm, bent down and reached out to take out the rock from the water, just like when he took out the stone inkstone.

When the stone arrived in Yi Shuyuan's hands, the ink marks on it instantly appeared, and it turned out to be a lifelike "little ink-colored loach".

It was as if some master of painting had painted the pattern on the stone.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the mountain stone in his hand and recalled the time when he used the stone as an inkstone.

Fate is so wonderful.

The spiritual stability of Shanshi is about to be completed at this time.

The paper material for the folding fan has also been prepared, and the next process does not take long.

The autumnal equinox is approaching, and it’s time to harvest the rice in Xihe Village.

Even the compilation of the Yuanjiang County Chronicle is coming to an end, but it just needs to be checked and filled in to improve it.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the rocks for a long time, and then put them back to their original places, thinking to himself, the day for Yi Shuyuan to leave Yuanjiang County is coming soon!


"Hey, have you heard that there is auspiciousness in Yuezhou City?"

"What?" "What Xiangrui, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me?"

In the corner of the dining hall, several government servants were chatting together, and one of them was telling some breaking news.

"Hey, a rice plant was found in the yard of a residential area in Yuezhou City!"

"What's so strange about rice?" "Is this considered auspicious?"

Several other government officials suddenly lost interest, and the rice was still in the yard.

The yamen servant who spoke before was smiling. He had already anticipated the reaction of his colleagues. He took a sip of water and continued.

"Rice is not unusual, but this rice plant is taller than a human being. The millet on the rice ear is as big as a peanut. Isn't that strange?"

"Ah?" "Is there such a thing?" "You didn't make it up, did you?"

"How could I make it up? My old cousin saw it with his own eyes in Yuezhou City, and I heard that he reported it to Chengtian Mansion!"

"Can such a thing happen?"

"I don't know. Let me tell you one more thing. That house is exactly where the leader of the conference, Mai Daxia, lived before!"

A group of government officials were suddenly even more shocked and started discussing heatedly.

Yi Shuyuan, who was also eating in the dining hall, grinned immediately when he heard the movement over there. He had forgotten about it, but he didn't expect that the rice plant was still mature.


After the meal, Yi Shuyuan returned to the library.

Compared with the previous bustle, peaceful days are the main theme of Yuanjiang County.

It was also in this calmness that Yi Shuyuan, who was writing, completed the last word.

This is a large piece of Qingyuan paper, and the characters written by Yi Shuyuan are relatively large. What falls on the paper is the song "Hoe".

After writing the words, Yi Shuyuan took out the seal. There was no ink mud on it, but he breathed a sigh of relief towards the seal.

With this breath, the color of the seal changed, and then Yi Shuyuan dropped the seal on the paper.


When the seal left the paper, the words "Yi Daozi" had already been left, and the ink on the paper had dried at this moment, so there was no need to dry it additionally.

In the corner of the book desk, many stacked books together constitute a complete "Yuanjiang County Chronicle".

Not only has this been compiled, but the omissions have also been checked and filled in, striving to be more complete.

Yi Shuyuan looked outside the library door. After staying here for so long, he was already familiar with many things. If he didn't have higher pursuits, it wouldn't be bad to spend his life here.

"It's time to deliver!"

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