
The air was like an explosion, and the shock waves generated by the energy blew outward. The violent collision between the huge beasts caused the surrounding buildings to collapse. Under the majestic figure that almost connected the sky and the sea, Godzilla looks like he rules the world


The ax monster has a huge size, huge strength, and super thick defense. The three are mixed together. Its head is like a giant ax slashing into the sky. It opens its mouth full of terrifying teeth and moves towards Godzilla. Roaring.

Immediately afterwards

, the terrifying power of Godzilla knocked the ax beast to the ground, and then the giant claw tore it away!

A large piece of flesh on the ax beast's chest was destroyed. Blue blood flowed down Godzilla's claws, sizzling when it touched the air and the ground. It was extremely poisonous!

Godzilla stared at the blood on the ax on his forelimb, and his pupils shrank.

The surrounding oxygen was destroyed a lot, and it felt like it was suffocating. At the same time, the deadly toxin seemed to be interfering with its body. However

, the moment the toxin penetrated into the body, it was swallowed up by the G cells.

, it still caused Godzilla to feel a certain degree of discomfort. Although it was not harmful to the body, it was just uncomfortable and unpleasant!

『Highly toxic substances detected and being analyzed......Analysis failed, loading the universe gene database......!!』

『The analysis was successful and the matching factor was found!』

『The invader is named"Axe", and his bloodline factor comes from the"ambassador-level" pioneer!』

『System solution: complete destruction! 』

The ax monster that stood up shook itself and rushed towards Godzilla again.


Godzilla is obviously very unhappy. This bloated monster does not have strong attack power, but it is strong, has rough skin and thick flesh, and is very durable.

When humans are paying attention to the battle between Luo Chen and the ax monster, they are also worried about this new monster. The monster that appeared was rated as extremely dangerous and was code-named"Godzilla".

The Emperor Organization obviously knew this monster.

Ten years ago, Skull Island fought King Kong and destroyed hundreds of skeleton reptiles.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Amidst the roaring explosions, mixed with the explosive clouds produced by the violent friction between the terrifying power and the air, Godzilla slammed the ax monster to the ground like an uppercut.

Looking from a distance, It was as if the ax monster was being beaten in one direction.

As the terrifying tail whip swept across, the air visible to the naked eye was forcibly squeezed and pushed away from the air on both sides. The thick gas that gathered created a terrifying air pressure, causing the surrounding building ruins and the seawater not far away to suddenly sink deeply.


The air and sea water were squeezed crazily, and the huge power brought by the tail whip swept the body of the ax monster that had just stood up outward, drawing a lone line in the air, and the heavy body suddenly fell to the city floor. In the meantime, the overwhelmed ground cracked outwards.

The cracked ground stretched to the seaside, causing cracks to spread outward from the place where the ax monster hit hard.

For a giant beast, human buildings are like building blocks that can be pushed easily.

The aftermath is so terrifying, like a violent earthquake!


The ax monster's leg bones seemed to be broken. It struggled to get up, but kept falling.

A large amount of blue poisonous blood flowed on the ground, overflowing in all directions.

Godzilla suddenly charged violently.

The fierce wind pressure pressed hard on the axe-headed monster, and the heavy pressure made all the bones in its body creak. follow closely!

Godzilla slammed into the ax head, and his body of more than ninety meters was thrown backwards on the spot.

The next moment, Godzilla's claws grabbed the shoulders of the ax monster, and the claws penetrated into the flesh and embedded in the bones.

The heavy force caused the front shoulder bones of the ax monster to crack, as if heavy mountains were pressing on it, no, not one, but ten! Hundreds of seats!

The indescribable terrifying power blurred the axe-headed monster's flesh and blood. The thick gray-black skin tore open, revealing flesh and blood glowing with blue blood. In some places, it cracked directly and dripped with large traces of blood.


The roaring fighter jet passed between the collision of the two monsters.

Then the roaring missile struck, the huge explosion of flames rose into the sky, the roaring explosion sounded around the axe, and the drama flowed out of the axe. The poisonous blood exploded into clouds and evaporated, spreading towards the surroundings.

Before Godzilla could take any further action, a second wave of fighter bombers appeared from the sky.

"Damn it, these idiots!"Godzilla really wanted to curse and roar like this. Just as he was about to corner the axe, these stupid humans started a burst of fighter jets.

Don't they know that their missile weapons are harmless?

Secondly, missiles The explosion is to quickly catalyze the poisonous blood of the ax monster. If this continues, even if the ax monster dies, its mission has been completed!

"Uh-huh! Swish!!"

The second wave of missiles roared in, and the Emperor Organization and others watching this scene behind the screen saw the behemoth that had crushed the ax monster to the ground raised its head.

Godzilla's cold pupils did not A trace of hesitation

"Get out of here!"

Godzilla's low roar was like thunder in the sky, and the air was trembling.

A blue light lit up on the dorsal fin, and then the long tail suddenly swung. The terrifying blue light swept towards the missile rain, and in an instant, the"plasma cutting" struck densely. All incoming missiles were burned up.

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