A few days later.

It's almost the New Year, and the weather is getting warmer.

The weather was fine for many days, and the snow on the roadside and in the fields had melted away.

The general village road has become muddy.

But the state and county roads are all concrete roads, and the horse-drawn carriages are still moving fast, unaffected in the slightest.

The pavilions in the towns and villages have also been changed to rammed earth roads, and there are some wealthy pavilions, and the people have raised funds and sprinkled gravel on the roads, and the roads are still unaffected after the snow melts, and the carriages and carts, and pedestrians are walking as usual.

Wushu and Chai Jin and others, accompanied by Duan Jingzhu, Lin Chong, Wu Er, Luda and others, came to Yuncheng together.

The roadside is full of images of prosperity.

There is a small market at the entrance of each village.

Selling couplets, selling firecrackers, selling fireworks, and all kinds of needles, threads, brain groceries, etc., there are many merchants to pick and choose, and set up stalls, forming a small bazaar.

It's not just the alien boy who is Wushu, even Chai Jin feels new when he sees it.

Not to mention the countryside in Gaotang Prefecture, even the market towns are not so lively.

Only in the state town, about the same.

But the officials are rampant, the scoundrels are domineering, the gentry and landlords are majestic, and the ordinary people are shrinking their hands and feet, and they don't have much money in their hands, so they can barely prepare some New Year's goods.

Where is Yangsan here, along the way, the more Yangsan occupies the place for a long time, with Jeju and Yunzhou being the most prosperous.

Many towns can't wait to invite the troupe to come over and sing on stage, those people know that the people here are rich, and the class owners are all in the spirit of twelve, urging the small actors under their command to perform hard.

Spitting fire, somersaults, stacking arhats, and all kinds of juggling tricks emerge one after another, arousing wave after wave of cheers.

That was the case last year.

In the past year, if there are technicians from the workshop, or management personnel, or working in the Liangshan Divisions, or someone in the family who is in the army, most of them have dozens or hundreds of dollars in the family.

There are also a dozen or so of cash.

Then I have a robe, so I don't have to worry about seeing a doctor or going to school.

There is land, there is a house, and there is food.

At the very least, each house also built a grain bunch in the side compartment, that is, with a base of bricks and stones, and then surrounded it with mats, and put the unbeaten grain or wheat in it.

In this way, as long as you pay attention to the sun-dried food, and then pay attention to the rodent-proof, it will not be bad if you put it for a few years.

Refined grains can't be left for too long.

With grain, it is natural to have the confidence to raise chickens, and more or less will raise a flock.

Lay eggs, slaughter one every once in a while, and beat the tooth sacrifice.

In addition to chickens, more people will choose to raise pigs.

It's not leftovers to raise, even if people have a good life this year, they won't have any leftovers, they all exchange refined grains for coarse grains, and then add pigweed and wild vegetables, and boil them for pigs to eat.

Pigs, if ordinary people raise them, they can't eat enough, and they have to feed the pigs.

When the pigs are full, they can sell them to butchers if they can't afford to eat, and they can make money when they are fattened, and they can't sell them at a high price if they are thin, so they will naturally lose money.

A few years ago, there were pig breeders, and there were not a few people who raised black pigs like dogs.

Ducks, goose is not much, mainly Liangshan fish and animal husbandry is engaged in, the scale is very large, duck meat, goose meat is not expensive, eggs are also cheap, if people want to eat it, they will buy it, but there are not many people who buy it.

Ducks are still eaten, but there are not many geese eaten these days.

In Liangshan, there are not many dogs.

The main thing is that the security is good, and there is no need to take care of the home.

If you have a dog, you have to cook more, and the dog feeds the leftovers.

Feed at the beginning of the year, slaughter at the end of the year.

In these years, if any family says that they will keep dogs as sons and pets, they are afraid that they will alarm the government and see if they have fallen into the dirty evil.

If there is a lot of strong labor and a high income, the family still has a cow, or a donkey, and so on.

There are also those who buy mules, which are wealthier families, after all, mules can ride and travel, can pull carts, and can also go to the ground.

But mules can't breed, and most farmers won't buy them.

There are also a lot of horses, mainly from the southwest.

The southwestern horse is shorter than the Mongolian horse, and it is even more incapable of sprinting, and cannot be used as a war horse at all.

But it is cheap, the amount of food is small, and it is easy to raise.

And it can pull a cart and plough the land.

It is quite suitable when pulling horses.

Wushu and the others came all the way, and all they saw were such a flowery scene.

In the village, the smoke of the cooking is filled with the unique aroma of meat.

Chickens, pigs, cows, horses, sheep, these livestock cries one after another.

Obviously, these villages are quite well-off and have enough livestock to live.

Whether you eat it yourself or sell it, first of all, it means that you have surplus food, otherwise you have no heart.

It is difficult for future generations to imagine what it is like to not be able to raise chickens.

What free-range chicken?

How can there be so many insects and grasses that can make chickens eat all-you-can-eat, grow and grow meat?

They all have to be fed.

Running pheasants are nothing more than running away, with tight muscles, more fragrant, and eating grass and insects plus food, which is already the most primitive way to raise.

Instant chickens, chickens matured by industrial feed, that is really not delicious, and the meat is not fragrant.

In these years, if it were not for the rule of Liangshan, it would be difficult for ordinary people to raise them, and they had to have half a year of coarse grain and half a year of wild vegetables, how could they have food to raise these?

I know it's good, why don't you raise it?

It's true that you can't afford to raise it.

Right now......

The village is full of large livestock, and you can see it on the official road, there is a pigsty in front of every house, and flocks of chickens are wandering around in front of the door.

There is also the moo of cows, the clatter of horses.

The vultures could barely look at it.

Is the Han land really so rich?

Not to mention the poor mountains and bad waters that the Jin people started from, there are basically horses in the tribe, because horses are production tools and cannot be separated from. The territory is vast and sparsely populated, and tens of thousands of people in a single area can occupy tens of thousands of square kilometers of territory.

In addition, it is to hunt.

Horses are also the most important production tool when hunting.

Of course, the demand for horses is not as high as that of nomads, but it is basically a horseback people.

But apart from horses, there are very few other animals.

Food is also insufficient.

Everyone basically lives by gathering, hunting, and shooting.

The survival form of the fishermen and hunters is not as good as that of nomadic herds, and nomads have herds, and herds are like herdsmen's land, which can be harvested regularly.

Fishing and hunting are not necessarily.

Shooting is too risky and uncertain, as is picking.

Only fishing is basically a sure profit.

After all, there is less land and more people, there are many rivers in Liaodong, and there are many big rivers.

Millions of square kilometers of land, in the future generations is hundreds of millions of people, the property is still very rich, now the total population is estimated to be about one million at most, will not exceed two million people, is the population of a prefecture-level city in later generations, but now it is the Northeast, the Outer Northeast, all the way to the Arctic Ocean, adding up to more than 3 million square kilometers, just such a small number of people.

What is the concept?

In later generations, a county had a population of as little as 200,000 or 300,000 and as many as 1 million.

The most populous county, with an area of more than 2,000 square kilometers, is home to more than 2 million people.

Enlarge the land area by 1,500 times.

The population will also be reduced.

The population of a village is placed in a city in the Hereafter.

That's the concept.

Too many people, too many rivers, too many fish.

In later generations, the base of millions of people broke into the eastern part of the country, and it was still a roe deer scooping fish, and the products of the eastern part of the country were too rich compared to the people who ran to Liaodong in the "cooked ~.land" in the Guannei.

It's just cold.

What's that?

As long as there is something to eat, you are not afraid.

You can't die of cold, you can't die of hunger.

There are many people who are cold and starving.

Wushu heard the elders say that dozens of hundreds of years ago, Liaodong was not as warm as it is now.

The tribes were poor to death.

People huddle in the house in winter and dare not go out, and they have to have hundreds of catties of dried fish to survive the long winter.

Now, the water and grass are abundant, there are many wild things, and the number of babies in the tribe is increasing day by day, and the cry of the birth of a baby can be heard every day.

If you change the famine year, you can't hunt big prey, you can't pick enough dried fruits, and you don't have enough calories, how can you have enough energy to have children?

If there is a worse famine, the ice and snow will be cold, the stored materials will be eaten, the prey will be gone, and the river will still be frozen...... In the tribe there would be people dying all day long, old people and children, then women, and finally men.

There are also reasons why the population base has never been able to rise in such a large territory, and there has been no decent civilization.

In the eyes of Wushu, each tribe, a family has hundreds of catties of dried fish, wearing animal skin robes instead of fish skins, even if they are quite wealthy tribes.

After laying down the state and county territory of the Liao people, they were shocked to realize that there were thousands of people living in a city!

There are also a large number of brick houses, rather than low ground nests.

At that time, most of the Jurchens lived in nests, that is, half of the houses were dug below the horizon.

Overlying with beams and columns, covered with thatch, there are no windows, only low portals.

This will reduce wind exposure and snow pressure, and a small campfire indoors will keep you warm for a long time in winter. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People who live in this kind of earthen nest are already eye-opening when they see a serious tiled house.

In the tribe, there are dried fish, dried fruits, and cured meat, even if it is a good year.

Only horses are considered expensive livestock.

After conquering more than a dozen military states of the Liao State, the nobles of the Jin State changed their guns and lived in big houses, and all kinds of materials gradually became abundant.

Before that, they traded with Yangsan, that is, with furs, ginseng, dongzhu, and a small number of horses.

in exchange for salt and grain.

I don't have the confidence to change more.

Now that several steppe military states have been conquered, the number of horses has increased greatly.

It's enough for your own use, and there are plenty of them that you can trade with.

Originally, Wushu was also full of confidence.

Now looking at the prosperity everywhere, there are horse breeders in every village, and his confidence is like ice and snow in the sun, rapidly melting.

Hey, this errand is difficult.

But seeing such a grand scene, the ambition and desire in the heart of the vultures also grew rapidly like spring grass.

The wealth of a village here is worth a large tribe.

The wealth of a state far exceeds that of the entire Jin country![]

The wealth of the Twelve Military Prefectures must surpass that of Da Liao!

That's too big a gap!

No wonder everyone says that the Song people are rich, and Wushu didn't expect that the Song people are so rich!

People who are not under the rule of Liangshan can't understand it.

It's almost the New Year, and the road is still full of delivery and people-carrying carriages.

The road is full of small merchants, merchants, and pedestrians who rush home in the past year are also endless.

There is a stop for public carriages on the side of the road, and people are stomping their feet and chatting, waiting for the carriage to come.

Market towns, villages, are full of smiling people, stall owners and merchants doing small business.

All of them had a satisfying smile on their faces that only a wealthy number of people had, and they were in a very good mood, relaxed in their demeanor, and they talked about hopes and expectations for the future.

The sound of chickens and dogs is connected.

Ride a horse.

Abundance and joy, for all.

The entire twelve military states under the rule of Liangshan, as long as it is the place where the Wushu they pass through, is probably the same.

Rich, too rich.

The vultures are jealous beyond recognition.

At this point, his conceit and pride were gone.

What is the prince of gold......

Compared with Liang Shan, ordinary people who are dressed up and dressed exquisitely, he is like a beggar.

Not to mention ordinary Jin Guoren.

In terms of wealth, the Jin and Song people are thousands of mountains and rivers, and they can't see the end of the road at all.

The bottom of the vulture's eyes showed a little malice that could not be concealed.

Even if they know how to do it, the nobles of Daikin are willing to hand over their land and live with slaves?

Don't think about it.

Don't say you're just the fourth prince.

Even the future Lord of the Kingdom of Jin can't do this.

I know what to do right, but I can't do it......

It's better to grab. The Song people are so rich, it is better to fight their grass valley in the future.

It's good to grab it once every few years.

Innumerable grain, cattle and horses, gold and silver......

A smile appeared at the corner of Wushu's mouth.

The Song people are good at operating production, so call them the hunting grounds of the Dajin Kingdom, and the Song people are the prey.

It is good that the Dajin Kingdom comes to harvest regularly.

Well, it's like the farmland of the Song people......


The carriage moved fast and steadily.

There is almost no bump sensation.

Yuncheng County has finally arrived.

Chai Jin and the others got out of the car first, and after stretching their muscles and bones, Chai Jin said with a smile: "'Lin Jiaotou, I also know that the body of this car is well made, and there is a spring suspension, but it is too stable, I heard that the current carriage is much more stable than the previous one." "

"Now the springs and wheels are added with castor oil, which can lubricate the wheels and absorb shocks, and the body is naturally and much more stable. "

Lin Chong knew everything.

Anyone who buys a car is told to oil parts, springs, and wheels on a regular basis.

This keeps the body in good condition for a long time.

"I see. "

Chai Jin smiled.

At this moment, a long fleet of boats came to the mouth of the lake.

You can barely see the edge at a glance.

Lin Chong glanced at it and said with a smile: "The fleet from Dengzhou is here, and the horses bought from the southwest have arrived." "

Wushu also paced over at this time, and when he heard Lin Chong's words, he hurriedly glared at him.

The hull was full of horses.

At a cursory glance, it is estimated that there are more than 1,000 horses.

These horses are much shorter than Mongolian horses.

But it looks pretty strong, and it's quite tame.

Wushu and the others were amazed by the numbers.

Buy a thousand horses at a time......

Wushu suddenly became quite unconfident about his task of exchanging 10,000 war horses for fine iron this time.

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