I’ll add some practice in the real world

Chapter 378 377 Convincing people with reason, physical principles

Eagle Country, Hexagon.

This iconic building, responsible for the Eagle Army's global military deployment, was already in chaos.

Have you contacted the president?

Sir, Mr. President is currently delivering a speech in communities in Virginia as planned, and will be able to board the doomsday plane in 5 minutes at the earliest.

All alert notices have been issued, and the Coast Guard is gathering. In the military intelligence command room inside the Hexagonal Building, more than a dozen senior military officers wearing general stars had gathered.

From the Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Air Force, Navy, etc., all the active-duty generals assigned to them are crowded in this huge underground command room.

Where's the target! Where's that damn target?

Sir, the target separated from the Reagan and Nimitz 3 minutes ago and is flying due east. The signal is currently lost.

The low-Earth orbit satellite did not capture the target's movements. It may be that the target is flying too fast.

Furthermore, according to the analysis of the footage captured at the scene, the black flexible suit on the target should be made of nano-absorbing materials similar to F35. Our current regional radar cannot detect such a small area of ​​absorbing electromagnetic reflection. Locking and identification can only be made through naked eye vision.”

The atmosphere in the war room was solemn. Everyone was paying attention to the movement in the Foot Pot Chicken Base that was like a disaster movie. Helplessness and troubles arose in everyone's heart.

What's new at the port base?

Sir, Brigadier General Trick sent a communication. The equipment at the port terminal is currently seriously damaged. The existing soldiers in the base are doing their best to rescue the wounded. The list of missing persons, dead soldiers, and ordnance losses are still being counted.

Trick, you idiot! I'm asking about our aircraft carriers! What's the current situation of the two aircraft carriers? A five-star admiral slammed the table.

Sir, the good news is that the two aircraft carriers have not sunk yet, but were abandoned by the target 22.7 kilometers away from the port.

According to the conflict intelligence analysis half an hour ago, the nuclear radiation values ​​on the Reagan and Nimitz were all cleared for some unknown reason after the enemy sneaked in.

After the surviving soldiers on duty on the Nimitz ventured into the nuclear power center, they discovered that two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors had completely shut down and all the internal nuclear fuel was lost.

According to the analysis of our intelligence room, the enemy should have mastered some unknown technology that can eliminate nuclear energy.

Because the current intelligence data we have is too little, we are still unable to judge whether the enemy can use this kind of elimination technology against our nuclear weapons. However, we judge with a high probability that the enemy has this technology. Otherwise, we cannot explain why the enemy has this technology. The fate of nuclear fuel.

After listening to the intelligence officer's words, the five-star general slumped down on his seat with a bloodless face. He took a deep breath, his eyes were bloodshot and helpless, and finally raised his head and looked at the office. The hanging portrait of God made the sign of the cross on his chest with empty eyes and muttered: God bless the Eagle Country!

When an iron-blooded soldier loses his faith and begins to believe in God, the conflict caused by Chen Jue will no longer trigger a war.

The other senior generals present here also frowned and could not find a way to deal with it after receiving the information about this terrifying nuclear elimination technology.

I had no choice but to kick this thorny military issue like a ball to the President of Eagle Country, who was still visiting a certain community for condolences, and let the somewhat demented President make a judgment.

The president of Eagle Country, who was hastily pulled onto the doomsday plane, realized the seriousness of the emergency when he saw the bodyguards beside him opening the combination lock of the nuclear bomb box.

Finally, after looking at the intelligence analysis of the Hexagon Building, looking at Rabbit's prevaricating reply, and the funny warning left by Chen Jue, the President finally understood that the experts in Area 15, as well as those from NASA, How stupid are those astronomers who specialize in studying aliens.

Agree to this person's conditions and stop all useless signal transmission to the outside world.

Even if there are indeed aliens, we have to wait until all the people in the Eagle Country get out of space before we can contact them. The most important thing now is employment, economy, and peace!

Let the generals in the Hexagon calm down for a while. The aircraft carrier attack must be dealt with coldly first. It cannot be publicized to the outside world. It will damage the invincible image of our Great Eagle Nation.

Chen Jie had no idea that his little warning would make the superpower of the universe take it so seriously.

At this time, he left the first island chain and flew towards the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean at high speed.

Because he has mastered the power at the micro level, Chen Jue can clearly capture the orbital changes of the earth's magnetic field, and can tell the direction even without a compass.

This is just like some migratory birds that are good at migrating. They can sense the intensity and direction of the earth's magnetic field through the pigments in the retina of their eyes. After Chen Jue's [Five Senses and Six Senses Skill] reached perfection, his original speech ability has been amplified to an extremely incredible degree. Degree.

Now coupled with the induction of the geomagnetic field, no disturbance within hundreds of kilometers can escape his induction.

However, there is a limit to the information that the brain can process. Even if his brain is developed to nearly 5 levels, Chen Jue still does not dare to use this sensing ability to the extreme.

He was afraid that he would be as addicted to the information of the nearly infinite microscopic world as he was when he made the breakthrough.

Just as he was passing through a certain area of ​​the Pacific Ocean at high speed, the external magnetic field sensor detected an unusual geomagnetic distortion.

How to describe that feeling?

It was like a neat row of geomagnetic fields that suddenly expanded outward in a circle at a certain point in space, as if illuminated by a magnifying glass.


Chen Jue frowned, and after focusing on the strange place, the sea surface began to decline, and finally arrived at a lush coral island with a low-altitude flyby.

In addition to the corals, there are also many colorful fish schools.

This kind of scene is quite normal in the vast Pacific Ocean. Many diving enthusiasts like to go diving and exploring such coral reefs.

Chen Jue first flew around the coral reef in front of him at low altitude. Apart from the abnormal magnetic field changes, he found no other strange scenes. Then he lifted up again and looked down from an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above the ground.

The dazzling sunlight penetrated the seaside, illuminating the color of the coral reefs particularly brightly, and Chen Jue also discovered during this moment of observation that this place was different from the surrounding sea areas.

There's actually an ocean blue hole hidden underneath? Chen Jue let go of his senses and muttered.

Ocean blue holes are a rare natural geographical phenomenon on Earth. Viewed from the sea surface, blue holes appear a different deep blue color from the surrounding waters, and form huge deep holes on the seabed.

This blue hole has not been discovered by humans before because it is blocked by coral reefs. Just like the existing Earth's oceans, more than 90% of them are unexplored.

If Chen Jue's sensing ability hadn't exceeded human limits and he happened to pass above this sea area, it would have been difficult to detect the blue hole hidden underneath.

In order to find out, Chen Jue dived, tearing open the upper coral reef like an earth-penetrating missile, and dived into the depths of the blue hole.

As the night vision of his eyes swept away, he could see the deep space under the blue hole.

In addition to many rare fossils of ancient marine life, Chen Jue also discovered a sphere-like thing in the gravel-filled seawater.

It's not small, as big as a room.

It's just that this spherical object is wrapped in a thick rock shell, and the structure inside cannot be seen at a glance. I thought it was the fossil of ancient marine life.

As a result, Chen Jue swam over and knocked, and a dull metal collision sound came from inside.

Why is there a metal reaction inside?

Update sent~

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