I’ll add some practice in the real world

Chapter 299 298 Fifty times marathon swimming!

The cruising altitude of passenger aircraft is generally around 10,000 meters. This altitude is difficult for humans to compete with with their flesh and blood.

Firstly, the ambient temperature reached minus 40°C, and secondly, the high air pressure was low, only 0.2 standard atmosphere. As for the oxygen content, it is only 20% of that on the ground. You will fall into a state of hypoxia within a few breaths.

If it were an ordinary person sitting on the tail of this plane, it would not take long to either suffocate due to lack of oxygen or be frozen into a popsicle.

Chen Jue was sitting at the back of the plane, facing the cold wind, but his expression remained unchanged. Even if the cold wind blows on an ordinary person's face and hurts like a knife, it still can't break through his face as thick as a city wall.

Because with the blessing of [Red Dust Golden Body Skill], Chen Jue's skin can even easily withstand bullets. This kind of air flow with a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour can be regarded as massaging the skin.

It's just that your eyes will be a little dry after being blown by such a strong wind for a long time. Just blink a few times and moisten your eyes.

After watching the beautiful morning scene at an altitude of 10,000 meters for a while, Chen was determined to think about all the things in his hometown.

After all, he had been away from his hometown for half a year and was now on his way back from his hometown. The feeling of returning home made Chen Zhijia feel a little more excited.

This feeling is like that of ordinary people who go out to work, get their wages and year-end bonuses at the end of the year, and embark on the journey of revolting against their hometown during the Spring Festival.

After wandering outside for a long time, I always miss the beauty of my hometown in my heart. This is human nature, and even Chen Jue, a true saint in the world, is not immune to it.

“It’s hard to leave your homeland, and this journey is indeed a bit far!”

I don't know what's going on in the country now... All the people practice martial arts, everyone is like a dragon... I'm a little excited just thinking about it! Chen Jue looked up at the blue sky, thinking of what Sun Wu and the others had described to him. Seeing the scene, I felt a little more looking forward to going home, and then I closed my eyes and rested at the tail wing of the passenger plane.

The commercial airliner that took off from Jiaobenji flew in the southwest direction. After flying in the air for more than three hours, it arrived over the Magic City. Then it changed its attitude and began to slowly fall.

After passing through the thick clouds, Chen Jue sat on the tail of the passenger plane and saw the grid-like metropolis below.

I have been to the Magic City before, but at that time I was walking on the ground, but now I was standing outside the plane looking down. The change in visual angle made Chen Jue feel the wonder of the world.

“After taking the free flight for so long, it’s time to get off the plane early!”

It would be a joke if we landed in the airport. Chen Jue thought for a moment and stood up from behind the wing. With just a slight tiptoe, his whole body took off with the oncoming gust of wind and escaped. The civil aviation aircraft started to fall freely in the air at high speed.

With his previous experience of flying in the air and picking up planes, Chen Jue became somewhat comfortable with flying without wings again.

Even if he took a leap of faith from an altitude of several thousand meters, he didn't feel the slightest sense of fear in his heart, even if there was no parachute on his back!

I saw Chen Jue falling at a high speed, his body constantly adjusting his flying posture in the air. Finally, when he fell into the Pujiang River below, he increased the spurts of Gang Qi from his limbs. The red gold Gang Qi spewed out from his limbs, like aerospace. Just as the reverse thrust engine started to slow down before the vehicle hit the ground, it finally caused a huge ripple on the surface of the river, and then Chen Jue fell into the rolling river with a pop.

While on the plane, Chen Jue roughly calculated his final landing point, which should be near the mouth of the Pujiang River, so that it would not cause too much commotion among ordinary people.


After emerging from the river, Chen Jue took a deep breath and looked in the direction of the Magic City. Using the direction perception provided by [Mana Consciousness], Chen Jue began to turn his head and swim towards the south.

Since he didn't have any money in his pocket and he was dressed in a strange way, Chen Jue didn't want to log in directly to the city at the moment. Instead, he changed direction and swam directly toward his hometown of An County, Jiang Province.

The straight-line distance from Modu to Anxian is about 500 kilometers. Fortunately, both cities are built along the coast. According to Chen Jue's rustic idea, he felt that he could always go home by swimming south along the coastline.

Ever since, an ultra-distance marathon swimming record that has not been recorded in the annals of history was inexplicably born due to Chen Jue's fast swimming!

They swam from the Pujiang estuary in Shanghai to the Yunjiang estuary in Anxian County, covering a distance of more than 500 kilometers.

What is the concept of swimming more than 500 kilometers in one breath?

The distance of the marathon swimming event in the Olympic Games is 10 kilometers. Chen Jue swam more than 50 distances in one breath, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.

However, when Chen Jue swam to the mouth of the Yunjiang River, an underwater submarine performing a mission nearby discovered this fast and somewhat strange surface target in the sonar detector.

Captain, the sonar captured a target at an abnormal speed!

The target's forward speed has reached 60 knots per hour, and it is currently approaching the Yunjiang estuary. In the submarine command room, an intelligence officer handed over an electronic report.


Sixty knots? What the hell is this? Liu Zhihai, a submarine captain, glanced at the electronic report and was shocked by the value displayed on it.

I don't know. Judging from the data captured so far, the target object is moving at a high speed about 1 meter away from the water. The voiceprint characteristics of the target object are also very different from the known ship targets. The intelligence officer said.

With this size, could it be some kind of fish? Liu Zhihai showed some doubts.

Captain, it shouldn't be possible for fish! Even swordfish or swordfish can't reach this speed. the intelligence officer responded.

Are you saying that this target is most likely a man-made submersible? Liu Zhihai narrowed his eyes, because in recent years, submersibles dropped by spies have often been found in coastal areas for the purpose of investigating the water environment in coastal waters.

But when Liu Zhihai thought about it, he felt something was wrong, because man-made submersibles simply couldn't reach this speed!

At a speed of 60 knots, this thing almost took off directly from the water!

If the enemy really had this level of engine manufacturing, they would have installed it on a high-speed fish.

Although the speed of cavitation fish developed in China can exceed 100 knots, I have never heard of any foreign company that has reached this technical indicator.

While Liu Zhihai and the intelligence officers were analyzing and making judgments, Chen Jue had already gone upstream along the Yunjiang estuary and swam into the Yunjiang River.

He first swam past the Little Bund, a landmark building in An County, and the Yunjiang Bridge, which was inscribed by a certain great man, and finally landed at the river bay where Panlong Town used to eat night food stalls.

Finally home!

After deleting, deleting, modifying, and still not in the right state, I will update tonight. I set a flag in the group and got slapped in the face (face covering)

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