I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 98 The operation begins

Compared to last week, the Crossroads Hospital has been completely renovated. The once broken and peeling exterior walls have all been painted pure white, and the path in front of the door has been paved with stone bricks to protect patients from muddy and dirty shoes.

Walking into the hospital lobby, the spacious and clean space is filled with brand new standard stainless steel seats. Free drinking water buckets and simple brochures are set up near each waiting area. There are also pots of decorative plants in the corners. The lush greenery dilutes the indifference of the hospital, adding a faint vitality to this cold space filled with strong disinfectant and a faint smell of methanol.

The originally broken triage table has also been replaced with a brand new white round table. Inside, three nurses in charge of triage are busy receiving patients in an endless stream.

Watson quietly followed the team waiting for triage. Perhaps it was some kind of fate that the optimistic girl Crovitte, who seemed to have two faces, was about to receive him.

He could already hear the chattering curses from the other person's chest across the team.

"Fuck, damn it, why do I have to do this boring job in this place... I also want to participate in the ceremony, and I also want to practice the dismemberment techniques on those pigs unscrupulously!!!"

"Fuck it all, you damned abominable Crovitte! Not only did you take my body, but now you want to abuse my beautiful smile just to flatter these disgusting pigs in front of you!"

"Disgusting, you really make me feel disgusted!!!"

"Ugh... you make me feel ashamed!"

"Why do I have to stay in this body with you!!! When will Mr. Winfreys complete his research, cut your mind out of my body, and give me true freedom!!!"

Watson listened to Crovitte's words, and felt that the other party seemed to have inadvertently leaked a major secret.

He thought to himself: "I originally thought that the moth's senses were just some kind of association, showing me the essential features of the practitioners of the secret teachings in an alternative and distorted form... But now it seems that maybe it can really eavesdrop on the object's voice? Or is it still just the moth's fantasy?"

"But if this fantasy sense can really touch the truth... doesn't it mean that the face on Crovit's heart is real?"

"Seizing the body, cutting the mind... Winfreys Morgan is actually able to accomplish such an incredible thing?"

"If the spiritual consciousness... or more specifically the human soul, can also be transferred between different bodies due to the action of external forces... then I always understand why he can attract such a large amount of anonymous sponsorship."

"In this world, no high-ranking person who holds power can... , can refuse the temptation of immortality... just transfer the mind to a young body when old, isn't this another kind of immortality? "

"But... is this really the ability that Winfreys can master at present? "

"From the past several contacts, although Winfreys I saw through the moth senses was an extremely strange black-haired monster, the oppression he brought to me was just barely a stalemate with William, and it was far less than the mysterious owner of the molting club... Logically speaking, he should not have the knowledge of extremely high-level taboos, and it is impossible for him to have such a magical ability. "

"Could it be that the secret he mastered... the power that is suspected to be the principle of the heart, has the magical power that the blade William does not have? "

All kinds of strange thoughts flashed through Watson's mind, and he had come to the front of the team.

Crovitt, who always had a smile on her face, recognized Mr. Watson, whom she had only met once. When she saw the sharp-edged face, she shouted happily: "Hey, Mr. Watson, you are finally here! Dr. Winfrey has been waiting for you in the office for a long time. He also specifically told me to take you to see him as soon as he sees you." Watson seemed shocked by this solemn attitude, "Why is Mr. Winfrey so polite? What if he delays other patients because of waiting for me?" Crovitt covered her mouth and chuckled, "Don't worry, the hospital has arranged enough doctors to take care of patients. Only special patients with very serious conditions will have Mr. Winfrey's turn. He is also responsible for various hospital management tasks every day. He is very busy." Watson had not yet replied, and the patient who had just left in front of him After hearing this conversation, he turned around and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Hey, what's wrong with your hospital? I came earlier than him and told you that I wanted to make an appointment with Dr. Winfrey for me to check up, but you told me that I have to wait in line until the day after tomorrow... Why can this guy see Dr. Winfrey directly as soon as he arrives?! The hospital has just been established and you are already treating people differently?!" The patient who looked very healthy shouted loudly, "Hey, everyone, come and see, this Crossroads Hospital claims to be true to its original aspirations, but in fact it has already started to treat people differently. The guy behind me can see Dr. Winfrey directly, while I have to wait a few days in front of me - is it because I am from a poor family that I have to wait in line? And this guy in a suit can directly cut in line!!!" "It's not fair, it's not fair!!!"

“When we first opened, we talked about selfless dedication to the people, but now we start to let rich people jump in the queue... won’t we have to increase prices and fees in the future, ignore the suffering of our poor people, and only care about the health of noble gentlemen!!! "

Facing this guy who was obviously here to cause trouble, Crovette still smiled, but her swollen face was already staring at this guy with malicious eyes, and her eyes seemed to be gestating some kind of invisible power.

Crovette's other face became distorted and crazy, and the flesh and blood on her pretty face shrank obviously at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a hungry person who had not eaten for a long time.

Her eyes seemed to have absorbed the nutrients of the flesh and blood on her face. Her round eyes were as protruding as a deformed goldfish, and a scarlet light that was almost solidified shot out from her pupils.

The red light hit the troublemaker's heart like an arrow. The other party was still spitting and spreading groundless accusations, but at this moment, his whole body suddenly shook violently, seeming to be trembling and trembling.

The most primitive desires surged up into his brain along the blood, and the windows that reflected his soul were painted with a pink and confusing color. His heart was filled with unprecedented passion. It was an energy that could not be matched even by drinking Spanish fly foaming agent. His blood circulation accelerated. , his face was red, and the muscles of an old guy were stiff and tense.

The troublemaker looked at the beautiful young girl in the triage table, unconsciously licked his chapped lips, and swallowed hard, but it was unable to relieve the thirst in his throat.

"This girl is really, really pretty! She's much prettier than the rouge pinks in Pink Alley, I guess... Hehehe."

The troublemaker unconsciously spoke the truth while he was in a state of confusion. He stretched out his hands unconsciously, with his fingers bent like eagle claws. There was a lewd expression on his face. Anyone could guess what was going on in this person's mind at a glance. He must be thinking about immoral things.

"Hehehe, I originally just wanted to come here to perform in a show and earn a little money, but I didn't expect to meet such a good person here... I will do this first, and then do this and this, wouldn't I be happy!"

The troublemaker uttered obscene words and howled like a hungry wolf, then jumped directly onto the triage table and pounced on the smiling face of the little sheep, which turned into a frightened one.

However, the momentum of the hungry wolf's attack on food was intercepted halfway. The shepherd, who was handicapped, took action. He lifted up the wooden stick and swung it in a horizontal direction. The extremely restrained wooden stick broke the bridge of the hungry wolf's nose, and blood dripped from his mouth. The salty smell stimulated the hungry wolf to wake up for a moment. He glared angrily at the hateful guy who was blocking his pursuit of happiness, and saw that the strong wooden stick was close in front of him again, hitting him hard on the top of his head.

The hungry wolf fell into an unconscious coma... Well, it may also be accompanied by a series of minor symptoms such as severe concussion and intracranial hemorrhage.

Watson took back his cane, but a look of pain inadvertently flashed across his face. It seemed that he had caused old injuries in his shoulders and legs due to excessive force.

The security guards patrolling the hall quickly arrived and dragged the unconscious troublemaker away and threw him out on the street in front of the hospital.

Clovette slapped her chest in shock, causing her heart and face to roar again and again. She opened her mouth and bit down, as if she wanted to bite off the finger that slapped her face. Unfortunately, her bite penetrated straight through the finger like a phantom. White and tender thin fingers.

"Phew—lucky you're here, Mr. Watson, otherwise I would have almost let this weird guy succeed!"

Watson smiled and nodded slightly, "Miss Crovette is so polite. It is the unshirkable responsibility of every gentleman to help a beautiful girl in danger."

Crowett chuckled again and again, "Hehehe, Mr. Watson, you are really a humorous gentleman."

"Thank you Miss Crowitt for your compliment, it makes me feel honored." Watson bowed slightly in greeting, then retracted his cane and touched the ground, "I'm sorry, in order not to hinder Mr. Winfrey's follow-up work, I'd better go first. Let’s go to the operating room. Which direction should I go?”

"Mr. Watson, please go up the stairs on the left to the third floor, and then turn right to the third room. The door next to the dean's room is the room where Dr. Winfrey is located."

"Okay thanks."

Watson was not in a hurry to go to the operating room. He first wandered around the hospital as if he had three urgent needs, but in fact he was silently memorizing the hospital's internal environment and routes, and constructed a three-dimensional model of Crossroads Hospital in his mind... …He already knows the most preferred retreat and infiltration routes.

After all preparations were in place, he staggered and hobbled toward the dean's office at the end of the third floor, carrying his weak left leg whose tibial nerve had been severed again.

Two knocks on the door sounded, and then the voice of someone asking to come in came from the door.

Watson then pushed open the door and walked in. This was an office that was not particularly spacious. It was even a bit narrow and shabby for the director of the hospital. There were not many decorations in the room, only the two corners in the corner. A small plant, a row of overflowing bookshelves, and a simple desk that looked cheap.

Winfrey Morgan was working at his desk seriously, browsing documents without raising his head.

From Watson's perspective, it looked like a financial application form regarding the hospital's internal expenditures. It seemed that Crossroads Hospital had prepared quite formally in just a few days.

"Mr. Morgan, this is John Watson. Miss Crowitt at the triage desk asked me to come directly to you here."

Watson came to the desk and put down the gift he had been carrying - the fine whiskey produced by Lagavulin Distillery.

Winfreys felt the vibration of the table and heard the words of the visitor. He suddenly looked up and said, "Ah, John, it's you. I thought it was an internal staff of the hospital who came to report on work." But he was thinking in his heart, I have already judged your identity through the strong heartbeat. Watson walked on the wooden chair in front of the table. The hard touch made his buttocks, which were used to feeling soft recently, feel a little uncomfortable, but it was only for a moment. "It seems that Mr. Morgan has been very busy at work recently. Do you want me to come back for a follow-up visit another day? Wait until you finish this period of time?" Although Watson's words seemed very calm, his gloomy face and restless posture still exposed his inner anxiety. Winfreys was very satisfied with this. He had recently sent someone out to investigate. It turned out that John Watson in front of him had fallen out with the female detective Charlotte Holmes. It was said that the female detective looked down on him as a disabled person and felt that he was in the way. She was even more angry that he had leaked the details of the case of the so-called smuggling arms group, which was actually the Blade Cult, and directly expelled John from the Holmes Detective Agency.

John, who was hit hard by this, has been looking for doctors everywhere during this period. He has visited many famous doctors in the city, but all of them have returned in vain. According to Aunt Mona downstairs from John, the other party has begun to seek help from wizards and shamans in despair... So it seems that the other party is just suitable to be absorbed into the cult at this time.

However... there is no need to be so anxious. First give John a little sweetness, let him see a glimmer of hope, and then guide him step by step to gradually remove his inner defenses.

Winfreys put down the pen in his hand, stretched his waist, and the bones of his shoulders made a crisp sound, which sounded very tired.

He put down his glasses, took a deep breath, and said, "It's okay. I just took this opportunity to move around. It's not good for your health to sit at your desk for a long time."

"Did Mr. John have breakfast this morning?"

The disabled veteran officer who saw hope immediately responded, "No! I know that I'm not allowed to eat before anesthesia. I haven't eaten or drunk anything since ten o'clock last night."

"Very good." Winfreys showed a meaningful smile.

"Then let's go to the operating room now and see how to solve the pain that has troubled you, Mr. John, for a long time."

The patient who had been suffering from pain for a long time readily agreed.

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