I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 52 The ending is in progress (2)

"The Elrich brothers are already in prison, but they were not arrested by the Suppression Bureau for secretly studying invisible arts. It was just an ordinary crime... But there may be a chance for this matter to turn around." Gino Walsh muttered in his heart, "If the leader takes action, he may be able to rescue the Elrich brothers from prison." "Let's tell the leader this news first, and let him decide how to proceed with the follow-up work." As the deputy leader of the Flash Blade Cult, Gino naturally knew the work place of William McConaughey's apparent identity, but he also knew that he must not rashly go to Glover and Sons to meet the leader directly. He first went to the nearby grocery market, purchased some materials, and cast a strongly focused bright lamp. Gino came to a hotel near Glover and Sons, opened the curtains of the room, and lit the bright lamp in his hand. The concave lens behind the lamp focused the light into a point and projected it on the floor-to-ceiling window glass on the top floor opposite. His palm was swaying in front of the bright light, causing the projected light to flicker in a short and long rhythm:



"Master, the Elrich brothers have been arrested for trying to attack children. All members of the cult are now in hiding. Do we continue with the plan?"

William, who was sitting on the comfortable sofa in the office, witnessed the light and shadow projected on the glass. His mind quickly deciphered the corresponding content and he frowned slightly.

"Elrich has always been extremely calm. How could he be imprisoned for such a ridiculous reason?"

"Is there a conspiracy of the Anti-Suppression Bureau behind this..."

This idea was denied by William as soon as it came up.

"No, this is not in line with the style of the Anti-Suppression Bureau. If they have already obtained solid evidence, they must have directly dispatched the suppression troops to suppress it."

William thought, the fire in his head ignited vigorously, and the light of reason became brighter and brighter. His mind was cold and merciless, and his thinking began to work like the gears of a machine, analyzing in an orderly manner.

The recent events were vivid in his mind, and he seemed to have received some inspiration from his memory.

"Is it the plot of the female detective and her moth assistant? They want to force me to show up?"

"Or is it just that Elrich simply can't suppress the influence of the blade and is agitated?"

"However, as long as the Anti-Suppression Bureau is not involved and the plan proceeds normally... I don't need to worry about it at all."

Because the uprising that is being planned now is of great significance to William!

In his plan, he first sponsored weapons to the group of naive so-called revolutionaries at a low price, and when they started the riot, he let the believers take the opportunity to mix in with them and absorb the power of the struggle to improve the secret teachings of the blade.

And when the riot intensified, those ignorant and easily incited lower-class workers would inevitably believe the lies of the revolutionaries and become stepping stones for the other party to realize their ambitions, launching large-scale strikes and armed struggles, and factories that made a lot of money by exploiting cheap labor would be paralyzed - the interests of those in power would be greatly damaged.

At that time, I will leak the information of the leader of the revolution to the person in power, or directly present the other party's head as a gift... In this way, I can gain the friendship of the person in power! Get the protection of the person in power!

And I will dedicate this betrayal uprising to the great Scar Thousand Captain! Such a grand sacrificial performance will surely make my long-stagnant Blade Secret Biography advance by leaps and bounds!

Participating in the riot uprising - can further improve the strength of the Blade Cultists under my command and further expand their power.

Betray the leader of the uprising - gain the friendship and protection of the person in power, so that I no longer have to worry about the investigation of the Anti-Suppression Bureau.

Dedicating to the betrayal uprising - can greatly improve my Blade Secret Biography! One step closer to the path of ascension.

This is William McConaughey's long-planned plan to kill three birds with one stone!

Team power, social connections, and personal strength can all benefit from this plan!

He will never allow anyone to hinder the implementation of the plan...Except the Anti-Suppression Bureau.

But at this moment, his mind still carefully deduced a possible obstacle - since the female detective of the Holmes family was wearing a man-made Noon Stone at the time and could mobilize low-level extermination troops to search, she had obviously joined the Anti-Suppression Bureau.

If Elrich was indeed framed and imprisoned, then the other party might have already grasped the traces of the cult. As for why they had not directly notified the Anti-Suppression Bureau to launch an attack...

It's just to lure me to show up and contact the cult, and arrest me together!

William whispered, "The arrogant will eventually be destroyed in arrogance!"

"Thinking that you can catch our cult in one fell swoop is the greatest arrogance of the female detective!"

William McConaughey knew in his heart that even if Elrich was really in prison, he would never reveal any details of the Flash Blade Cult.

He was willing to believe in Elrich's loyalty, or he was willing to believe that the handle in his hand could make Elrich loyal.

But you can despise the enemy in words, but you must pay attention to the enemy in actions.

After all, William had worked his way up from the bottom, and his past experiences had made him cautious and meticulous. He felt that he should hold a ceremony to worship the Night Watcher and ask for his revelation. However, in order to avoid possible searches by the Anti-Suppression Bureau, William never kept those magical instruments in his residence and office.

Moreover, the Night Watchman's Sorrow Ceremony is not safe. To be precise, any ceremony that invites Si Chen's power is not safe.

The Night Watchman is the god who guides the way forward, the god who illuminates and dispels darkness, and is also a god without mercy. Although he is willing to light the way and guide the direction for those who are willing and those who are unwilling, his gifts are not merciful alms.

If the caster wants to open the door of his own eyes, he needs to make a small sacrifice - in Si Chen's view, the price is extremely small, but for a mortal, it is a very serious sacrifice - the caster must make a sacrifice during the ritual. Dedicating the precious knowledge that exists at the root of thinking, that is, the light inside the skull, if there is no loyal assistant to help recite the words that stabilize the mind... The performer may be unconscious at best, or demented at worst. The light goes out.

However, the believers that William worked so hard to cultivate and study esoteric teachings are just for the purpose of being useful at this moment!

Holding a cup of cold coffee, he stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window and looked down at the hurried figures coming and going on the street, just like an upper class person relaxing between work.

But the action of taking a sip and the left arm holding the cup represent the secret code of one o'clock in the morning, which is the time when the Sichen Night Watchman is in charge. The intention is for the deputy leader of the Order of the Flashing Blade to initiate the Night Watchman's Sorrow Ceremony and ask for the Night Watchman's guidance.

From the corner of William's eye, he saw the curtains in the hotel room not far away opening and closing three times, and he knew that Gino already knew what he meant.

He sat back down behind his desk with relief, sank his body into the soft sofa, and waited for the good news to arrive.

At dusk, the sky began to darken, and William, who was about to end his day's work, saw a faint flickering light coming from a very far away place... That was the direction of the new headquarters of the Order of the Flashing Blade!

The frequency of the faint light flashing was short and hurried, and there was only a very slight difference between the long signal and the short signal. It seemed that the person who sent the signal encountered something very anxious and difficult.

But William still keenly caught the difference and completely decrypted the content of the message:

"Master, the radicals have torn up their alliance with us. They have joined forces with the Burton Brothers and are rushing to the warehouse to seize our goods and equipment by force!"

William's face suddenly darkened. The uprising was related to his future path to ascension... No one was allowed to cause trouble!

He quickly went downstairs and called for the cab, which stopped a few miles from his new headquarters and hurried on foot to the fetid bend in the river.

Halfway through the journey, he found a group of disheveled guys holding torches high, who seemed to be heading towards the warehouse. The other party seemed to have just experienced a fight, and blood was still leaking from the fresh bandages on some of the personnel's shoulders and arms.

They held tightly the firearms that William was very familiar with, their faces filled with angry expressions, and they followed unknown clues.

The leader of the radicals who went by the pseudonym Guy looked at the guy coming towards them. The guy looked pale but wore a suit and leather shoes with mud stains on his feet. It was obvious that he was the upper class person they hated most.

The flames of the torch reflected in Guy's pupils, the raging anger of being betrayed, and the disgusting upper-class guy in front of him. He raised the barrel of his gun and planned to start the first step of their revolution on the edge of this remote city. gun!


The sudden sound of gunfire sounded like an order was issued, the figure flashed across the smoke and the light of the sword passed by, the ferocious head fell to the ground like a plump fruit, and blood gushed out from the broken neck like a spring.

William McConaughey spilled the blood from his fingertips, and behind him was a forest of flesh and blood composed of headless people with twisted limbs like decayed old trees.

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