June, the beginning of summer.

Today the sun is strong and the temperature is not low. And as it gets closer to noon, the light and temperature become hotter.

Kashu has been practicing basic fighting techniques with Lisha for a morning, and now he feels sore in his hands and feet and sweats all over his body.

A thirteen-year-old boy who has never been trained. This body is really weak, and he feels sore all over his body.

However, he has the mind of an adult after all. He was an orphan at the beginning of this life, and his perseverance is not bad. So throughout the morning, he never complained about being tired or lazy.

And Lisha saw all this secretly.

She likes talented students, and even more diligent and perseverant students. Lisha temporarily classified Levi into the latter category.

Looking at the sky where the sun was hanging high, Lisha took out a silver metal pocket watch from her arms and opened it with a click.

The white dial and black clock showed the time of eleven thirty.

"Stop for a while, the special cooking class ends here. It's almost time for dinner, go to the cafeteria. You can practice on your own in the afternoon, and you can return to the team for training tomorrow morning..."

Lisha put the pocket watch back into her pocket after saying that.


Kaxiu stopped squatting, and just as he put his feet together, he softened. He almost fell to the ground.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and found that his back was all wet.

On the left side of the field of vision, Lisha had already left far away.

Kaxiu exhaled a breath of hot air, took a step and wanted to walk to the cafeteria, but he stopped and slapped his legs after a few steps. It was sore and painful, and his calves felt like they were filled with lead.

Martial arts training has never been a game of house.

Tiredness, hardship, and sweat are all things that must be paid.

You have to work hard to achieve greater results.

Kaxiu has this understanding.

After resting for a while, he limped to the cafeteria. The cafeteria of the youth training camp is in the northwest corner of the entire camp.

It was about a hundred meters above the hospital.

Kaxiu staggered along the road next to the small playground.

Entering the cafeteria, a full smell of food and food was already in the air. Several large wooden barrels were neatly arranged at the entrance.

Three or four aunts were leaning against the wall and chatting.

"Someone is coming..." one of the aunts reminded.

Kaxiu swallowed his saliva while picking up the rice plate. He served all the dishes for today, including meat and vegetable soups.

And I don't know if it was because he was the first to come, but the aunts in the cafeteria served Kaxiu a lot of dishes.

After thanking him, he carried the full rice plate to the corner of the cafeteria by the window. Cauliflower soup, a few pieces of white bread, stewed onions and tomatoes, and two pieces of meat steaks, one large and one small, of unknown type, with the color of the fat floating on them very tempting.

The most obvious benefit of joining the Fengxiangmen Youth Training Camp is that you can eat enough, eat well, and eat meat. You know, in this era, many poor people starve to death because they can't eat enough.

Feng Xiang Men Youth Training Camp is free to enroll. Students who pass the root bone test can have enough food. If the training results meet the standards, they can become formal disciples with a good income. Many poor families who can't afford to raise their children will choose to give it a try.

Levi and Li Chu are such people.

In the second row by the right window, Ka Xiu kept eating. When he was tired and hungry, he naturally needed to consume a lot of energy.

After a while, the sound of running could be heard faintly on the road outside the cafeteria. Many students in gray and white training clothes came.

Ka Xiu didn't care and lowered his head to drink a cauliflower soup.

In a short while, the originally spacious cafeteria became a little crowded. The smell of sweat and noisy sounds filled the surrounding space.

"Ah!" There was a slight cry from the front.

Ka Xiu tightened his eyebrows and looked up.

There was a long line in front, and Li Wei's sister Li Chu stood at the door. A strong boy who was half a head taller than Li Chu forced his way in and inserted himself into the door.

He was still talking and laughing with a boy in front of him.

"How about sitting by the window later? Old seat."

The sturdy boy said.

"No problem." The boy in front of him with an ordinary appearance looked into the barrel and said with some surprise: "There is ham."

"Great, my favorite thing to eat is..." The sturdy boy stopped talking abruptly, and he felt someone on the left was looking at him.

Looking sideways, it was a thin boy with black hair. With his hands on the table, he looked at this side expressionlessly.

Who is this? I don't know him... The boy was a little confused.

His companion whispered: "Crazy Levi."


"It's the one who beat people's brains out. The day before yesterday, we went to the toilet and passed by the hospital. Didn't Finn, who was beaten, scream like a lunatic? He shouted nonsense for half an hour. It is said that his brain was damaged and there is no hope."

As the companion spoke, he looked behind the sturdy boy.

"Linden, did you just cut in line? The girl behind is Li Chu, the sister of crazy Li Wei..." His companion was speechless.

"Damn it."

The sturdy boy Linden turned around and said sorry.

Then he ran to the end of the line.

Li Chu was stunned for a moment and took a step forward. She immediately saw her brother by the window and greeted him with a smile.

Kaxiu nodded and waved his hand.

He was just about to get up and pick up the lunch plate when he suddenly noticed that the time scale in the upper right corner seemed to have a few more lines inexplicably.

I counted it carefully and found that five days had been added.

So, the opposite of cowardice is not just courage.

To be more extreme, could it be evil?

In the version circulated in the youth training camp, he beat Finn's brains out and turned him into a fool.

The image of themselves in their minds is not courageous, but fierce.

This kind of impression can also satisfy Levi's obsession, and it can even be said that it is what he dreams and hopes for when his obsession goes a step further.

Ka Xiu had a vague idea in his mind.

Play? Establish an image that is completely opposite to what Levi previously wanted to be, such as crazy Levi. In this case, Levi's obsession will feel gratified or satisfied?

Card Xiu didn't know whether his guess was correct, but there was still a long time to come, so he could find a few opportunities to try it out.

He stood up with a splash and returned the plate.

All the way back to the small playground next to the hospital, I rested for a while, and then started to continue basic fighting skills.

The sun was hot in the afternoon, so I took a break from practicing.

He will not be lazy, but he will never be stubborn.

Under the shade of green trees, Ka Xiu is practicing pile skills. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one on the left and the other on the right. Bend your knees and squat close to 90 degrees, with the front of your knees not exceeding the distance between your toes. The back is curved and rounded, like a turtle shell. The hands are naturally folded into a circle.

He looked up and down, his body rising and falling like a horse.

His workout routine is starting to take shape.

Sweat dropped from his eyelids, and Tikaxiu took a deep breath as he grew taller. Suddenly, the upper right side of the perspective. Lines of text slowly popped out below the simple pendant symbol.

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