Somewhere far away, in an unknown place.

In the dim corridor, the gray snake moved forward without any hindrance.

He did not light a lamp, nor did he memorize the topographic map here.

But whenever a fork in the road appeared, the idea of where to go would appear in his mind out of thin air.

It felt like I was walking on a road that I had walked on thousands of times.

In fact, to this day.

It was his first time in this sanctuary.

Fifteen hundred years ago, this was the starting point for the Lord's return to the world, and it was once regarded as a holy place by his followers.

But as he was sealed on the other side~, this place also fell into silence.

Its coordinates have become a lost secret.

Now, the call of the Lord guides him to come here to fulfill his duties.

Gray Snake stopped.

At the end of the road, a metal gate as thick as a wall blocked the way.

He waited in silence for a moment.

Then, the password illuminated my mind like a ray of light.

Gray Snake read it out obediently

"Destruction, and rebirth."

The huge doors unfolded to both sides with difficulty, as if resisting the weight of thousands of years.

In the hall, a man leaned on the throne, meditating silently.

One year and five hundred years have passed.

Power is handed over and changed in the hands of humans, and fire and The sword washed the earth over and over again.

On this planet, history happened and disappeared as fast as a snap of a finger. However

, compared to the last time Gray Snake saw him, the man in front of him did not change at all.

However. This man transcends time and does not enter reincarnation.

Only those who transcend time can defeat the destruction hidden behind history. The man woke up and looked at his believer. What kind of eyes........

These eyes have witnessed miracles that no mortal can dream of, and have also endured the sorrow of the destruction of all things.

But all this.

Everything these eyes have ever seen.

They were all forged by extraordinary will and became two ruthless and indifferent pieces of ice.

"Please forgive me for not being able to welcome you back in person."

The gray snake knelt down on one knee and expressed his surrender to the man.

However, Kevin didn't care about these false gifts.

He just asked plainly:"How is the plan going?"

"It's going well, and the world now has everything it needs to implement the plan. Even if the Herrcher of Reason blocks your steps for a moment, he cannot stop the pace of history. Jackal's research is almost complete and only needs one final verification"

"Get started"

"Yes, to celebrate your return, I have a gift to give."

Gray Snake took out a big sword and presented it with both hands:"Only this legendary weapon can be worthy of the future pioneers of mankind."

The blade of this weapon has dimmed.

The flames that once burned everything have now disappeared.

But its shape can still evoke the memory of the warrior.

He once held this sword in his hand to slay all monsters that endangered mankind.

Face the punishment of"gods"!

"Old friends, we meet again."

The warrior held the hilt of the sword, as if holding on to his past.

He stared at the dark sword body, just like he had done thousands of times before the battle.

The giant sword made of soul steel trembled and came to life.

Its shape continues to stretch and change, responding to the fierce fighting spirit in the warrior's heart, as if it is not only a sword, but also a living creature with a soul.

A ray of light bursts out from the core of the sword, reuniting with its old owner and igniting it. Its soul.

The flaming sword that guards Eden and the heavenly fire that burns Sodom.....................

Human beings who have been fortunate enough to witness this sacred object have used countless deifications to describe its majesty.

Now, thousands of years have passed, deification will become a reality again

"From now on, fight with me!"

This command not only resounded through the hall, but also was like a silent thunder, passing through the hearts of all the followers in the distance - announcing to them that the storm is coming......................................................................

Jackal: [The Lord is so handsome! The Lord is so strong! The Lord is invincible! You are the sun that guides us forward, and you are also the only savior of this world! Oh, great Lord, your humble followers are here, waiting for your return! 】


Raven: [Are you sure you are a jackal?! ]

Jackal: [I'm pretty sure, I am Jackal..............What's wrong? In your eyes, is it a shameful thing to believe in the Lord? 】

Raven: 【No.............I just, for a moment, can't accept your change.................】

Jackal: [Hmph! How could a mortal understand such a genius idea as mine? The greatness of the Lord is beyond your comprehension! ]

Raven: [Ah, yes, yes, yes...............】

Gray Snake: [Just get used to it, Jackal has always admired the Lord. How proud she is in front of you, how humble she is in front of the Lord. 】

After all, it was the believer seeing the god he had always believed in!

No matter how humble it is, it will still be normal.

Like Gray Snake himself.

Doesn't he look like a loyal dog in front of Kevin?

Not much different from a jackal.....................................................................

In the live broadcast room, the subsequent plot began to fast forward.

Kevin took Chi You's body and restored some of his strength.

And the meeting with Otto.

I have to admit that Otto is indeed a very powerful person.

Even though his own strength was not at the same level as Kevin's, he still managed to delay Kevin's steps.

This left the strongest warrior of the former civilization unable to make immediate plans.

It's a pity that a wise man will make mistakes after all his considerations.

What Otto didn't expect was that Fu Hua was shot in the head by him.

At this moment, another consciousness was born in my mind

——She calls herself Red Yuan Immortal.

In the boundless darkness.

The dead immortal gradually wakes up................

"Hello! Wake up! You slept too long!"

A lively voice sounded in Fu Hua's mind.

"I...........who is it?"

Fu Hua, who lost too much memory due to his resurrection, has now even forgotten who he is.

"Oh, don't do this! Today is different from the past, your brain is not damaged at all! Hurry through the memory bank and find out who you are, we still have a lot to do!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm your true self, okay? It is the most original and authentic you."

Then, there was a vague voice.

"I'm the superego, don't worry. You are not schizophrenic or crazy, we are you."

Then the lively voice sounded again

"The self is not yet born because you do not yet know who you are. Go and remember, without any one of them, you won’t be who you are."

"I am.............who?"

The lively voice continued:"Remember carefully, you are............."

As the words fell.

At this time, scenes of past memories kept flashing and reappearing in my mind.

Memories poured into the immortal's consciousness like a tide.

It was as if they had been lying dormant, just waiting for her command.

She saw many images.

The girl standing alone in the cold wind, the warrior wearing armor and holding a golden sword, the cold and ruthless killer, the independent immortal..................

The voice of the ego sounded:"They are all you."

The superego said:"They were you."

Finally, the lively voice, the id, said:"They are all a part of you, do you understand? There is no time to delay Yes, once your brain signal fluctuations are spread, he will soon find out..............."


I replied:"Otto Apocalypse. Just finish reading the memory, he is very far back."

Self said:"He is the bishop of destiny, your old friend, the only person who knows that you are still alive..............."

The superego adds:"A liar, a murderer.............."

The ego answered:"Let's talk about it later. Look where you are now!"

The dead immortal opened his eyes wide.

She was now in a life-support capsule, with cold and slippery liquid surrounding her body.

Several clusters of bubbles rose up, beyond her sight, and flew towards the top of the water.

The ego explained:"This device maintains your life. It seems to have cured all your injuries-including that one."

The superego guessed:"This may be his atonement."

The id concluded:" It's more like being imprisoned."

The immortal recognized it as nx-189 based on his own memory.

Tianming Technology’s most advanced treatment cabin.

The superego said:"Even by the standards of the previous era, this is state-of-the-art."

Bright lights, huge instruments.

Intertwined cables and several life-saving capsules - these are the only ones in the room. Curves are printed on the screen of the giant instrument, with red lights flashing.

I suddenly noticed something and asked,"What's in that pile of coffins?"

The answer was - nothing.

The immortal shook his head, and many bubbles rose up, like transparent pearls.

Then, the Rishi tried to leave.

The superego reminded:"This life-saving capsule can only be opened by inputting instructions from the terminal."

The id smiled:"Hahaha, this is not a problem in front of your fist!"

What to do?

The immortal thought and wanted to try to control the terminal.

However, I said:"It can't be done. You are trapped inside and can't do anything about the outside world. However, there is an easier way, isn't it?"


There is an easier way!

· ···Asking for flowers·· ····

The immortal felt his hands and clenched his fists.

She spread her fingers and hand bones and sent a reliable greeting.

The immortal felt as if he had infinite power.

The condition of this body is so good...................

Self asked:"Do you remember the last time you were so healthy? Five���Years ago? Maybe, it's been too long, really too long."

I said lively:"This is the real you! Do it now!"

Bang - punched out.

As the special glass of the life-saving cabin was shattered as hard as an alloy, the liquid surrounding the immortal could not wait to evacuate.

All the pressure was taken away.

What was left for the immortal was only relaxation and comfort.

The immortal was light Step out of the life-support cabin lightly and put your feet on the ground

"My old friend, you finally woke up."

A familiar voice sounded, and the immortal looked towards the door and saw a blond man with a smile.

He reminded himself in time:"He is Otto Apokalis."

My id then added:"The relationship between you and him is hard to describe.

The superego was the last to speak:"He claimed to be your friend, but he lied to you.""

"Don't you want to say hello? Okay, it doesn't matter. After all, you have just woken up and still need continued observation and treatment.............."

Otto smiled kindly, as if he was not the one who shot Fu Hua to death:"Although the examination results show that you have fully recovered, you have never regained consciousness. I am always worried that something has gone wrong. You You don't blame me, old friend?..............well enough? Do you recognize me?"

Facing Otto's question, I taught the immortal how to answer in my mind:"You can recognize it even if it turns to ashes, just tell him so"

............. 0

The superego had a different opinion:"Let's see what his intentions are first. We can't attack people without weapons." After hearing what the superego said, the id was shocked:"Huh? This person can change weapons at any time!"

The reliable self said:"Ask him why you are going here."

So the immortal asked.

Otto replied:"Because, I don't want you to die."

After saying that, Otto Apocalis smiled self-deprecatingly:"Hehehehe, we have known each other for a long time, old friend. I know you will not die if you have a brain injury.

Yes , but I don't want to waste twenty years. After all, you don't owe me anything, but I shot you. So, I took you back and healed all your injuries. The superego complained:"How good this person is at covering up his evil!"

The self-evaluation said:"He is a poisonous snake, but.................."

I interrupted:"There are no buts! He killed you, he caused the Honkai Impact, and harmed everyone in Saint Freya. He has no regrets!"

Otto didn't know that there were so many"people" in the immortal's mind."Constantly chatting.

Seeing that the immortal had no reaction at all, he spoke again:"Okay, old friend, this is not the place to talk................"

I was anxious:"Do you still dare to trust him again? He will betray you without hesitation! Think about it, what did he do to you at that time?"

The immortal recalled it for a moment, and an image immediately came to his mind. A picture.

The man pointed a golden gun at his forehead.

The memory is so quiet, only anger rumbles in the immortal's chest

"Immortal Red Yuan, I didn’t lie."

After the man finished speaking, there was a loud bang.

The gunshot rang out, and the immortal's life disappeared.

Incredibly, the immortal remembered that there was no pain at that time, but now that she recalled it, she only felt pain. Heartbroken,

I became excited:"That’s it! This is the pain.................Let him also taste the suffering you have suffered!"

The superego also said together:"He is the most dangerous person on earth, and his evil conspiracy must be stopped."

Self helped the immortal make up his mind:"Now is the best opportunity, right?"

The immortal hesitated.

"If he is not stopped, many more people will die............More tragedies will happen"

"She destroyed Kiana, your friend, he turned her into a monster................"

"He killed Ji Zi. If it hadn't been for him, the captain wouldn't have had to sacrifice everything."

"He also took Cheng Lixue away from you (silenced), didn't he? He thought you had forgotten everything..............But you didn't!"

Only on the matter of dealing with Otto, the id, ego, and superego reached an agreement.

And, as they continued to speak, a name appeared in the immortal's mind.

However, the name did not stay.

It disappears................

But there are only imprints..................

Rishi feels sad

"Now you can think of it all and nothing can stop you anymore. you can.............Be whole again!".............In.

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