Chapter 48

I briefly stated what happened today to Chen Li to satisfy this guy's gossip mood, and then I heard her say: "I didn't expect that in the end you still couldn't escape the love triangle between Hua Zhe and Su Xi, but this is okay. Well, you couldn't give up Su Xi."

“Who said that? I’ve only known him for a short time, and I didn’t regard him as a date at all. How could I not give up?”

Chen Li smiled contemptuously and said, "I don't know who it was. I cried for two days after coming back."

I didn't expect that Chen Li would find out about my crying, and I couldn't help but blush on my face, but I still said stubbornly: "It's not that I can't bear to leave Su Xi, but I can't bear to leave his house of console games. You don't know that he How many games are in that house."

“Yeah, yeah, you’re not even willing to be a subordinate when someone gives you money, but you can’t walk when you see a game. Gee, do you really think I will believe you?”

It seems that you can’t let your friends know too much about you, otherwise your lies will be exposed. Now I can’t wait to find a hole in the ground to bury myself.

I thought about it again and felt something was wrong, so I asked Chen Li: "Isn't the sound insulation effect of your house very good? I can't hear a sound in the room even if you are chopping meat in the kitchen, even if I cry in the room Yes, how did you know?"


 Chen Li suddenly began to ponder, and I knew that this matter must not be that simple.

"Tell me, what's going on? Are you lying on the door of my room and eavesdropping?"


This answer was too fast, and Chen Li suddenly yelled, the sound made my ears hurt. Look at this situation, this is just asking for it!

"As expected, you are lying down at my door! You are a rich lady, how can you be so uncultured? I am just staying here for a while, don't I want my privacy?"

 Chen Li quickly apologized and said: "Okay, I was just gossiping, not as much as you said, right? At the worst, I'll apologize, and I'll pay for you to buy clothes for you to wear to the date, okay?"

 “Screw you, I have plenty of clothes, I don’t need you to buy them.”

I was still a little unhappy, but Chen Li said: "Those clothes of yours are old and ugly, and they are all men's clothes. How can you wear them to attend a banquet? Even if you have low emotional intelligence, you can't do it if I know about this." Leave it alone, otherwise people will suspect that my emotional intelligence is not up to standard.”

Hearing Chen Li’s conclusive words on this matter, I couldn’t help but stick out my tongue and said, “Are my clothes really that bad?”

"Really, even if you don't pursue famous brands, you should at least wear women's clothes, right? Leave all the money and matching to me, I will make Su Xi satisfied."

I glared at her angrily and said, "This is buying me clothes, why should Su Xi be satisfied?"

“Haven’t you ever heard of a woman who pleases her appearance? If it’s not to make the person she likes look good, why do we women put on high heels and stockings in the winter? Is it for self-abuse?”

"But I've never heard that you have a sweetheart. You usually wear stockings, high heels and the like..."

Chen Li raised her head and crossed her hands and said with a proud look, "That's because I have good taste, and I look good in anything I wear."

 Chengchengcheng, you are a great beauty, right?

 Chen Li's narcissism really makes me a little unbearable.

"Idiot, what are you waiting for? Why don't you hurry up and get ready to go?"

I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that Chen Li had already changed into her clothes for going out, put on her shoes and socks, and even put on her makeup.

Other women take a long time to put on makeup, but I never put on makeup. Chen Li usually only puts on simple makeup, and she puts on makeup very quickly, but no matter how fast she is, there should be a limit, right? I had only been in a daze for a few minutes, and she had already prepared all the clothes for going out?

And what puzzles me is where is she taking me?

 “I said I was going to buy clothes.”

I widened my eyes in disbelief and asked, "Then there's no need to do it so quickly, right? And why do I feel like you're so excited?"

“You are going shopping for clothes. Are you a woman? How can you not even understand this mentality?”

 “Well, but this is bought for me, not your own.”

Chen Li showed a dead look and said helplessly: "Just buying clothes is enough, okay? And I already have so many clothes that I have no chance to wear them again, but you are different." , I can see you wearing it right away after buying it..."

“Do you think I’m a dress-up doll?” I couldn’t help but wipe my cold sweat.

I usually can't stop Chen Li from making a decision, but I couldn't do it when she was so excited. It didn't take long for her to leave the house and take her to the nearest clothing store.

This clothing store occupies half a street. There are all kinds of clothes in it. They are neatly displayed and the decoration is magnificent. Moreover, a clerk came to greet us soon after we entered. But it seems so good. There were not many customers in the store.

I couldn’t help but worriedly asked Chen Li in a low voice: “This store seems to be very expensive, and there are no customers coming. Isn’t it going to close down?”

Chen Li rolled her eyes at me and said, "You don't even have to look at the prices of the clothes in this store. If you do any business, you won't lose money if you don't pay for it for half a month."

 I looked back and saw, isn’t it? Any shirt costs thousands.

I immediately turned around and walked out, but Chen Li forced me back.

 Because of regular exercise and playing ball, I am much stronger than the average girl, but I never dare to exert force in front of Chen Li, so I cannot effectively refute her.

"You don't give me face, do you? I want to buy you clothes, so you have to accept them gratefully. There is no other choice."

“But you don’t have to choose such an expensive store, right?”

Chen Li said angrily: "This is still cheap for me. No matter how cheap it is, I won't be able to sell it. Moreover, this is my gift. It doesn't count as selling you a favor. If you refuse to accept it, then we will There’s nothing left to do as a friend.”

This is the first time that Chen Li forced me to accept her gift, because she knew that I was very sensitive about this matter and didn't know what happened today. Her interest was so high that she even ignored the agreement between me and her.

“Well, otherwise, I really can’t accept the whole set of clothes, so I’ll just accept you one piece. Do you think that’s okay?”

 Chen Li thought for a moment, then finally slapped her hands and said, "Sure, then it's settled. You are not allowed to go back on your word."

 As soon as I nodded, I heard Chen Li say: "That salesperson, give my friend that dress."

 Dress, it’s a shame that Chen Li could figure it out. Isn’t this the same as a whole set of clothes? And when the salesperson brought the dress with the price tag in front of me, I found that the price of this set of clothes was also the total price of the entire set of clothes, which was close to tens of thousands of yuan. I was so excited just holding it. It feels like my hands are shaking.

“This dress looks good on you, why don’t you try it on quickly?”

“What? You want me to try on such expensive clothes?”

Chen Li glared at me and said angrily: "I bought this dress for you to wear, not to make curtains for you. How can you do it without wearing it?"


 “Nothing but!”

 After saying this, Chen Li immediately pushed me into the dressing room, and then threw the dress to me.

There is really nothing we can do against her...

I finally put on this outfit. It was a light green dress. The upper body was lighter in color and the lower body was darker in color. There was an orange belt around the waist and a scarf on the chest that was the same color as the dress.

After changing clothes, Chen Li immediately pulled me out again, looked me up and down, and said happily: "As expected, it's me. The clothes I chose match you very well."

 But how do I remember that this outfit was chosen by the salesperson? You just opened your mouth and asked them to take it?

Not long after, Chen Li suddenly frowned and said to me, "Why are you covering your chest? This store is full of women, what's there to be embarrassed about? Can you give me a little more time to get used to wearing women's clothes?"

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m cold! I can’t stand the cold indoors in such a cold weather. Do you still want me to go outside?”

Chen Li glanced at me with disdain and said, "I haven't finished dressing you up yet. Why are you in a hurry? Come on, there are pantyhose here. You can put them on in a moment. They will keep you warm..."

“A pair of socks costs a hundred yuan? Didn’t you just give me a dress?”

I was once again shocked by the prices of goods in this store, but Chen Li didn't think the prices were high at all, as if the money were all leaves. Not long after, she suddenly said to me: "Why do I still feel that something is not right?" That's the way, shoes! How can you not match such a nice outfit with a pair of good shoes? Come on, waiter, pick out a pair of the latest shoes for my friend. She's not used to wearing high heels, so pick them out for her. One who can walk easily."

Seeing that the waiter was about to leave after accepting the job, I quickly grabbed her and said to Chen Li, "You'd better forget it. I saw the price of a pair of new shoes in this store is six to seven thousand. I only promised you a dress, and you also added pantyhose, which is the bottom line of what I can accept.”

 “What does it matter? The money is not mine anyway…”

 What kind of rice bowl cake? Is she planning to ask me to pay for it?

I quickly put on a pitiful expression and confided the truth to Chen Li: "All my savings add up to more than 3,000 yuan. My salary from Su Xi has been spent long ago. I have to spend a fortune on my family's living expenses." You may not be able to send it over yet. If you ask me to spend 6,000 yuan to buy a pair of shoes, I really can’t afford it. Can you use my old shoes to make ends meet?”

"Well, I didn't expect you to live so hard," Chen Li stuck out her tongue and said, "I didn't explain this clearly. I didn't plan to ask you to pay for it. Don't worry, I paid for the clothes. I plan to let Su Xi pay for the shoes."

 When I heard this sentence, I suddenly became furious.

"Don't you think the matter is not big enough? When have I ever received a gift from Su Xi? What's more, it's such a big sum of six thousand yuan, so you'd better spare me."

"This time is different. You are accompanying him on a date and asking him to pay a sum of money. What's wrong? This money is just a drop in the bucket for him."

I had to tell Chen Li: "You probably don't know that Su Xi finally agreed to help me deceive my brother. I know he was very unhappy. You still asked him to pay this money? You Did you get his consent? Don’t let the money fall into our hands.”

"Do you think he is really unhappy? I'm sure he is as beautiful as a flower now. If you don't believe me, let's give it a try."

With that said, Chen Li edited a text message that read: "Congratulations, you and Hao Siyu are going on a date. I want to give Hao Siyu a set of clothes for her to wear when you go on a date. Now I still need a pair of shoes."

After she sent this text message, she started to edit the next one, which said the price of a pair of shoes in this store was "7999". However, before this text message was sent, Su Xi called Chen Li five times. Ten thousand yuan was so frightened that Chen Li quickly returned 40,000 yuan. However, Su Xi sent a panic text message asking why the money was returned and whether it was not enough, and then gave Chen Li another 100,000 yuan.

Chen Li couldn't help but cover her face and let out a long sigh, and asked me, "Did you see that Su Xi wants to give you this pair of shoes more than I do?"

 Damn it, Su Xi, a big-tailed wolf, pretended to be so similar to me before that I still feel a little guilty about him. It turned out that he was all a lie.

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