Souji Tiandao said:"I live in xxx street in the city."

Since people have said it so generously, Souji Tiandao is not the kind of person who hesitates, and he is not afraid of girls. On the contrary, he is very popular with women..

After all, it would be strange for a man as good as him not to attract women like a magnet, but Tiandao Souji has never had much close contact with a strange woman, not even holding hands.

Mai Sakurajima's expression changed slightly, and she said with some surprise:"That's a coincidence. I also live in the city, on xxx street, xxx street, on the same street as you."

She didn't panic, and she didn't lie either. Necessary, after all, we really live on the same street as Tiandao General Secretary, so it can be said that it is quite convenient.

Soji Tendou looked at Sakurajima Mai's face and analyzed the micro-expression, and it was still true.

"Then come up."

Tiandao General Secretary is not pretentious. Since he is on the same street, just give him a ride. Grandma said that all women are equally beautiful, so when women have difficulties, Tiandao General Secretary generally will not let him go. This is not His way of doing things.

Mai Sakurajima nodded, turned around and replied:"Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes."

"Why do you need to change clothes? No one can see you?"

Mai Sakurajima, who had not taken two steps when she heard these words, turned around, her face slightly blushing, and she also looked a little shy. If it weren't for Tiandao Souji, she wouldn't have been able to tell.

Mai Sakurajima showed some A wary look:"What do you want to do? Do you think I'm kuaigan when I rub against you while dressed like this?"

Tiandao General Secretary's face turned dark when he heard this,"You are thinking too much."


Sakurajima Mai snorted and left to change clothes.

Looking at Sakurajima Mai leaving, Tendou Souji took off his helmet, folded his hands, leaned on the Imperial Colt's seat and waited.

Because He was far away from the place where the doped bodies were fighting before, so there was quite a lot of traffic, and Tiandao Souji was wearing a crisp black coat with a thin white underwear underneath, and one around his neck.

The long scarf, coupled with the conditions of Tiandao General Secretary and the incomparably handsome imperial horse behind him, and his elegant posture, are completely a magnet here, and can actively attract people's attention regardless of men, women, old or young.

"Wow, Wow, Wow……"

A man wearing glasses and about thirty years old came to Tiandao Souji. He looked at Tiandao up and down. As a talent scout who is good at discovering passersby as stars, he could tell at a glance that Tiandao Souji was definitely a big star. He is such a talented person, with his aura of aloofness, handsome appearance, slim and slender body, and a clothes rack that looks good on him, as long as he puts on a little packaging, he is guaranteed to be a superstar!

"what's the matter?"

General Tiandao looked at the man who was dangling in front of him and looking at him. What was this guy doing?

The man straightened his clothes, then took a few steps forward and came to General Si Tiandao. The professional smile said:"Ah, excuse me, actually, I am a talent scout. I specialize in discovering people with star potential on the roadside and introducing them to the entertainment industry, and then let them become well-known stars. This is my business card ,My name is……"

Chief Tiandao said bluntly:"Celebrity? Sorry, I have no interest in this. Find someone else."

Seeing General Si Tiandao's refusal, the man said anxiously:"Hey, wait, how can you not be interested? Well, you have to know that becoming a star that attracts everyone's attention is a dream opportunity for many people. Only if you call the number on your business card, you are guaranteed to become a rising star!"

"Attention-grabbing? You seem to have made a mistake. If I want to be noticed by all, then there can only be one name that the whole world can remember, and that must be the man who follows the way of heaven and is the master of everything, the master of heaven.

As the best person in the world, it is really easy for me to become a noticeable person with my own talents, because I am the sun rising in the east, not a new star. I don’t need to use others to disguise myself, nor do I need others to broaden my horizons. My own path, because my path can only be opened up by me. This is the way of heaven!"

Looking at the Tiandao General Secretary with his right index finger pointing to the sky, the man's body kept moving backwards unconsciously.

His mind kept echoing with the arrogant and arrogant words of the Tiandao General Secretary, but they seemed reasonable to him.

He didn't even know what he should do.

What did he say? Even though he had thousands of words to seduce people as a talent scout in his mind, he couldn't say them out now, because in comparison, his words seemed to have no content.

The weather was not hot now, but there were still sweat stains on the man's forehead.

After swallowing his saliva, he turned around and left, feeling dejected when he left, because this was the first time he had seen such a confident guy in so many years as a talent scout, treating himself as the protagonist of the world, and even the others.

The supporting characters were not as good as anything else and could only serve as an audience.

For such a person, he also knew that he would never be discovered.

Today was destined to be the most failed day in his life as a talent scout because he left in embarrassment without even saying anything.

"A talent scout who is extremely confident in his own right would actually leave with his body completely broken due to what you said. There is no reason to continue the conversation at all. You are really awesome."

I don't know when, a beautiful girl who looked no less than a few goddesses in Class A of the second grade of high school stood next to Tendo Souji with a lady's bag on her shoulders.

In fact, when the scout introduced herself, Sakurajima Mai He has already arrived, but due to the special nature of Sakurajima Mai, currently only Tendou Souji can see him, and no one else can see him. Therefore, the scout has never discovered that there is an unknown person from the beginning of his chat with Tendou Souji. The beautiful girl who was inferior to the top star stood next to him and watched all this.

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