Black sails

Chapter 390 XXIV Red Dead Redemption is loading

Chapter 390 XXIV. Loading Red Dead Redemption

Three days later.

Inside the castle.

In the Black Sail General Ledger Finance Office.

"These are the wages of those workers. They must be properly implemented. You did a good job last time."

Mo Yutong, wearing a silver and black striped formal suit and gold-rimmed glasses, closed his account book.

"The elder sister is right. I will arrange for the people below to send it out. If anyone dares to deduct money, I will give it to him..."

The one-eyed man in a suit made a gesture of wiping his throat.

The tattooed man next to him, as well as more than a dozen middle managers including orcs, dark elves, and Ys people, all also understood.

"Don't worry about our work. Anyone who dares to enrich his own pockets will only have a white knife in and a red knife out."

The tattooed man respected Mo Yutong very much and was the second wife of the big boss.

"No, no, no..." Mo Yutong waved her hands quickly, but didn't know what to say, "Think about the problem comprehensively. Sometimes the people below may be too busy and their minds can't turn around. After implementing each person's specific needs, If the number is too high or too low, it just needs to be corrected, and it can be given a warning or suspension, etc. It’s not that serious.”

No matter how long he stayed on the island, Mo Yutong could never stand the style of these people.

"You don't understand that many of these bastards on the island won't shed tears until they see the coffin."

Cyclops often goes to the construction site and hears rumors from time to time.

The first brother of Tianguogang has always been a thief. He is not as good as the emperor who is the common lord of the world. Even if he is at the end of the world, no one dares to judge him. He is as silent as a cicada and dare not even say his name for fear of being hurt by the power of the unknown.

There was a lot of gossip about Dollinger when he was in office.

It's almost like a middle-aged greasy man is doing political affairs. One or two working people are giving advice on the country. Who wants to be recruited and who has to be called over. How long can they stay in this position? The gossip never stops.

The same goes for Li Site.

Because Li Site's reputation is so good, the great philanthropist can say that the New Tianguo Port planning project has supported countless idle and useless people.

Good guys are held at gunpoint.

They all thought that Li Site was not very reliable in throwing away money like this. He really helped his family lower the house price. The link was sent out, but the location was in Tianguo Port.

Good people don't live long.

However, after Li Site came to power, the effects in many aspects were immediate.

The security on the island is much better than before.

Can you be smarter than your ancestors? After three chapters, there was no violence.

This is true on the surface, but in fact Li Site is a very dark person, extremely muddy.

It is subtly changing the ideology of these people.

The basis of the establishment of the port is that every ship can park for free and everyone can come for free. There are no laws.

If Li Site wanted to prevent low-quality people from coming over, for example, there would be many old and yellow retired female soldiers who were re-employed, and those who would go to the island to seek refuge with their families and gambling debts.

They all came to the island but survived. What are you doing here? Please, don’t come here. It affects the appearance of the city. How will the noble Lord come to check in with Internet celebrities in the future? Are you responsible for the collapse of the pillars of the tourism industry?

In order to prevent these situations, suddenly establishing rules that require entry into Hong Kong for review will shake the foundation of the country.

A bastard doesn't have to care about legitimacy, but a big shot must care about legitimacy.

Since ancient times, the Kingdom of Heaven has been free to come and go. Why do you, Li Site, change it? If Li Site dares to change, there will soon be a new season of pirates who dare to carry the flag, carry the knife and go to the island to express their interests.

But it will be different when the new area is built. By then the entire island will be developed and will become the property of Black Sail. As we all know, private property is sacred and inviolable.

All the guys who come here to pitch tents and wait to die, please look for another treasure spot.

"Okay, just...don't go too far."

Mo Yutong said weakly, Li Site would probably leave at noon today, and she didn't know if she could handle it.

in addition……

The couple had a heated argument about the trip, and Delea said that she must go with him. Liszt planned to pick up Sharon on this trip, and wanted Delea to take charge of the overall situation in the castle.

I don’t know what the outcome will be.

At this moment.

Fen has already taken Gu Yue Mer to Poseidon's Shipyard Island, Wollman has gone to a fishing island, and Oaks has returned to Dead Man's Bay.

There is no shortage of manpower now.

If anything happens, the people below will take care of it directly, and there is no need for the boss on the board of directors to worry about it personally.

The five ships Li Site requested were fully equipped with the supplies needed for a long voyage, and the navigators and sails and cables on board were also well prepared.

Sit and go.

Dollinger used to have his own passenger route, allowing outside young men and nobles to come in to eat, drink, whore, and gamble. Of course, Li Site took over this route and his passenger ship.

Although Li Site is the first brother, many things still cannot be changed. In order to introduce foreign investment and promote economic circulation, you can only let those individual merchants do whatever they want. The inner city is still a casino and brothel with sex every night.

You can't chase people away and cut off the lifeblood of Tianguo Port.

I really like Su Xunzong's style of doing things, letting himself live and letting others live.

Only in this way can the position be stabilized.

This is the golden mean.

Extreme insects cannot engage in politics. At most they can only engage in military coups.

This route is still in operation, allowing those who are curious to go to the island to play, and also allowing outsiders to see the drastic reforms of Tianguo Port.

After the new area is fully developed, the basic disk will be ready.

Only Li Site can make a lot of money. I can do whoever I want, chop whoever I want. I am an old horse who doesn’t know the way back, but I will definitely eradicate you, a villain. What we need to consider now is not how to expand, but to first increase our influence in the East China Sea to the same level as Dollinger.

Nowadays, there are still people who are said to be Dolinger's relatives and friends jumping around, which makes Li Si Te very annoyed.

The top floor of the main tower.

Deck swimming pool.

Summer has arrived, and the backbone of Heifan, who are preparing to go out, are entertaining and sunbathing by the swimming pool.

"To be honest, this should be the place where Kaiyin hangs out."

Micah expressed.

"Isn't there a maid from Isu? Call some over."

Morrison made explosive remarks.

"I asked and they said they were not interested."

Micah looked regretful.

"Shocked, show off like a pirate, tear him alive, you know i'm say."

A clown is also joining in the fun. Why are these pirates so upright? What's there to say about being directly raped?

"That makes me look retarded. Do you understand what it means to be a righteous man in the East China Sea and to support justice?"

Xia Di said.

Ben was completely shocked. He was being taught how to behave by the scumbags of Paradise Harbor! What do you think Li Site did, and sitting in this position, do you call him supporting justice?

"Where's the prostitute?"

Morrison is a ruthless person. If he doesn't have the awareness to get sexually transmitted diseases, he has no qualifications for entertainment.

"The mad woman won't let those ladies in."

Micah whispered.

And indoors.

Delea's eyelids twitched wildly.

"You should drive these people out, aren't they all the first brother? This is our private swimming pool."

Delea guessed that this swimming pool was useless unless it was disinfected and the water changed again. It should have been done long ago. Who knows how Dollinger played in the past. It must be cleaned up and no one will be allowed to enter in the future.

"Well...this makes me look authoritarian."

Li Site wanted to completely turn it into his own territory, but his rise was different from that of Daolinger. It was two ways. He would not let others in, which made him look stupid.

"Let's go to the Western Continent."

Li Site decided to cut the knot quickly and leave Delaya in the Port of Heaven.

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