Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 663 Ambush from all sides

In the Royal Academy, Xia Feng stood blankly in the middle of the road with a phone in hand, no one around.

General Gleason's voice kept coming out on the phone.

Xia Feng! Why do you want to go back to the Royal Academy? Who asked you to go back!

Who asked him to come back? Of course it was Mullen Legg, the honorary advisor of the Royal Academy. However, Xia Feng did not answer General Gleason on the phone.

Because, with him as the center, a large number of black-clad military policemen had rushed out of the surrounding teaching buildings and shops.

do not move!

In an instant, the dark army and police had surrounded him.

At this moment, Xia Feng's brain was confused, and he didn't understand what was going on.

His fingers subconsciously grasped the Shenyue Sword at his waist, but the next second, his movements stopped.

Among the heavily armed military police, at least ten Originium guns were pointed at him, and the remaining large sabers reflected cold light in the sun.

A steady stream of military policemen poured out from all directions. A rough calculation showed that there were at least more than 500 military policemen rounding him up.

General Grissom's voice continued to come from the phone. Although Xia Feng had moved the phone away from his ear, he could still hear the general's call.

Xia Feng! Xia Feng! What happened to you over there!

Xia Feng, answer me!

Xia Feng, don't resist, listen to me, don't resist! Save your life, leave the rest to me! Xia Feng, do you hear me!

Xia Feng's face was gloomy. He didn't answer. He hung up the phone gently and put it in his pocket.

After a brief moment of panic, he roughly understood.

Among the dark crowd, a tall middle-aged man walked up to Xia Feng, surrounded by two guards.

This person was wearing a black police uniform, and the logo on his shoulder was not the military rank that Xia Feng was familiar with.

Under the siege of hundreds of people and the deterrence of the Source Stone gun, Xia Feng did not move. He stood quietly on the spot, his fingers gently resting on the handle of the Shenyue Sword, and he never pulled it out.

This man had a serious face. He glanced at Xia Feng's appearance, and then took out a piece of paper from his coat pocket.

You must be Xia Feng.

That's right.

I am the Director of the Second Division of the Special Operations Division of the Imperial Supervisory Office. We have evidence to accuse you of several criminal acts. However, due to your identity, the Supervisory Office has handed over the evidence to the Royal Court. This is a mandatory subpoena.

Xia Feng calmly glanced at the dozen Originium guns pointed at him.

Oh, a mandatory summons?

Yes, please cooperate.

The person who came for the so-called forced summons at this time was not from the four major military regions. Looking at the black police uniform, he guessed that he was from the Imperial Supervision Office.

Moreover, Xia Feng also understood the dozens of loaded Source Stone guns.

Mullenleg just called him and just told him to leave. It is worth noting that this call happened to be after he entered the Royal Academy, not before.

However, General Gleason's final intention on the phone was completely contrary to the instructions given by Mullenleg. The general asked him not to resist.

Who should he trust?

In other words, what is the most correct choice at this moment?

The answer was already obvious, because from the corner of his eye, he saw a man wearing a fox mask standing quietly under a tree not far away.

The man held a cherry blossom sword in his hand, which was the Qiyao of the [King's Staff].


Xia Feng couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

It was a perfect forced summons. If General Gleason hadn't called at the critical moment, he might have taken extreme action out of panic.

Then, he would be suppressed by force on the spot for a series of crimes such as refusing to be summoned, violently resisting the law, viciously assaulting the police, etc. During the suppression process, he would die due to an accident such as a fire.

He removed his left hand from the handle of the Shenyue Sword and glanced at Qiyao under the tree in the distance.

Then, Xia Feng raised his hands high.

No problem, I'll cooperate.


The car door was slammed shut, Xia Feng was stripped of his weapons, his hands were put in heavy handcuffs, and he was put into the custody car.

On the top floor of Office Building No. 1 of the Royal Academy, Malenleg stood in front of the window and watched with a gloomy expression as Xia Feng was put into the car until the motorcade left the Royal Academy.

Looking back, he gritted his teeth and said.

I have done as you said, now you can let my cousin go.

Judging from the details of their clothing and sidearms, these two people seemed to be from the East.

After hearing Marenleg's words, the two men in black looked at each other.


Mullenleg sat back behind his desk, clenching his hands into fists.

Go back and tell your master that you dare to threaten me in the Royal Academy. I, Maren Laig, will not just let this matter go, unless you dare to kill me here.

The two men in black didn't say anything and quietly left the room.

Sitting in the custody car, Xia Feng didn't know where he would be taken.

To be honest, his mind is very confused now. The only thing that is certain is that he was fucked.

The fact that the Supervisory Office would wait to arrest someone at the Royal Academy instead of Happy City proved that the other party knew all about him.

If he goes to Hapi City to arrest people, the initiative is in his hands. If he doesn't want to be caught, no matter how many people go to arrest him, there is nothing he can do. Even if the army surrounds Hapi City, he can still be with his companions. Escaped under cover.

But it was different in the Royal Academy. Although he still had the right to choose, it was just a choice between being captured or killed on the spot.

His uncle was actually tricked.

Just then, the phone in his pocket rang.


Because his hands were handcuffed, Xia Feng had no way to receive the radio and could only ask the soldiers guarding him for help.

Brother, my phone is ringing. Can you take it out for me and answer it?

The soldiers took out his phone, but instead of letting him answer it, it was confiscated.

While taking it out, he only noticed the number of the caller, which was from Wei Na.

The carriage was completely enclosed, and Xia Feng could not see the outside scenery. He could only be taken away like a lamb to be slaughtered by others.

The car drove for a long, long time, so long that Xia Feng thought he was going to be dragged out of the country, so he found a deserted place and shot him.

Xia Feng was shaken in the carriage, his mouth was dry, his mouth was dry, his head was dizzy, and he could only help but said to the soldier next to him.

Brother, we have been driving here for five or six hours. Where are we going?

Shut up and sit still.

If you want to kill me, just give it a try. You don't have to go to such trouble.

Although he said so, if he really noticed something, to be honest, he wouldn't just wait for death.

Now the black and white twins have only a few days to run. Although it is considered the weakest period, it is still possible to break free from the handcuffs and kick the car door after being lured out. If these military police really want to kill him secretly, then he can only Fight.

Facing Xia Feng's question, the soldier next to him looked serious.

Our Supervisory Office operates according to procedures. Whether or not to kill you will be decided by the Royal Court. Just sit still and don't talk.


After sitting for a while, Xia Feng spoke again.

I want to go to the toilet.

Bear it.

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