Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 599 Soul Torture

Xia Feng's move seemed hasty, but in fact it was carefully weighed.

Lieqi's own strength can only be said to be average. As an Ursusian, he has some fighting ability, but he is not a master. Many members of Black Feather should be able to kill him in a one-on-one situation.

However, professional killers are different.

If Hongdao or Nanfeng were to kill him, they might have had a fight with the college guards on the way, then rushed to the top floor of the dormitory covered in blood and killed Lieqi who was still in shock.

Then, he climbed over the wall and escaped while being chased by a large group of guards, leaving a trail of blood along the way.

Similarly, the personal strength of Yin Hui and Jiao Feng may not be inferior to that of Hong Dao and Nan Feng, but without professional assassination experience, the results may be almost the same, and the chance of being exposed afterwards is very high.

If Silver Ash is overwhelmed, Black Feather's supply of raw materials will also be affected.

Moreover, once Yin Hui is confirmed as the murderer, he will face crazy revenge from the entire Yiluo family. Now is the critical period for Yin Hui's rise in Kjerag, so he will be very passive.

From her perspective, Wei Na didn't understand the meaning of Xia Feng's actions, so she was very angry.

You could get into big trouble, you know!

Xia Feng knew that Wei Na would be angry, so he could only try his best to explain.

It's okay, I did it very secretly, no one will know.

You and I don't know what to say about you, Xia Feng, you really haven't made any progress at all, you are too reckless.

After Wei Na scolded Xia Feng on the phone, she could only sigh helplessly.

Things had already happened, and she could only try her best to help Xia Feng find a solution.

Hey, forget it, just kill me. Listen up. No matter how covert you think you are, you can't reveal any flaws. The investigation team sent by the prosecutor's office is not a vegetarian.

Xia Feng responded repeatedly.

I know, I know it.

Also, if, I mean just in case, if you are caught, don't admit it. Even if I put a knife to your neck, don't admit that this matter has anything to do with you. I will do the rest. Think of a way, remember it?

Xia Feng opened the quilt, holding the phone while looking towards the door from the corner of his eyes.

Remember, remember, then I'll hang up first.

Hey, I'm not finished yet.

Let's talk about it later, for now, bye.

Xia Feng hurriedly hung up Weina's call because he had already heard the footsteps approaching in the corridor.

Dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door.

Xia Feng put on her slippers, calmly walked to the door and opened it.

In sight, three men and one woman in formal attire stood at the door.

You are?

The man standing at the front wears glasses, giving people a deep and serious look. He is holding a certificate in his hand.

Are you Xia Feng?

Xia Feng replied honestly.

I am, you guys.

You know about the murder that happened in the college the day before yesterday.


The man with glasses had a very serious voice.

We are a special investigation team of the Imperial Supervision Office, and we are investigating the people who the deceased Lieqi came into contact with within a week. After investigation, we found that you had contact with Lieqi in the college cafeteria at noon on the day of his death, right?

Xia Feng's eyes showed the fear that an ordinary student should have.

Yes, I just met him at the restaurant at noon the day before yesterday and just said hello to him. Who knew that something like this would happen that night? When I heard about it, I was scared to death.

Another woman wearing a black formal dress spoke up.

Don't be nervous, we are just investigating one by one, trying to find clues from the people the deceased had recent contact with.

Xia Feng nodded.

Okay, Lieqi is my friend. I am very sad about his death. I am willing to cooperate with the investigation and provide useful clues.

Afterwards, Xia Feng followed the investigation team cooperatively and left the room.

He knew that this was not against him alone. Apart from him, everyone who Lieqi had come into contact with recently needed to be investigated.

At this time, the courses he had studied at the Guards College came into play.

Not all students at the Guards College want to be soldiers, including those who want to be police officers, just like Sir Chen. Of course, the first-year course includes basic explanations of criminal investigation knowledge.

Xia Feng is a scumbag, but at least he understands some of the routine routines of Victoria's criminal investigation.

Lapland is a professional killer. Not only will she not leave any evidence about herself, she will even deliberately leave evidence that leads to misdirection. Of course, the difficulty of detecting this case must be hellish.

In this case, the task force will definitely start from several aspects.

First, survey the scene and look for clues.

Second, investigate the people Lieqi has touched recently, as well as all non-students who can freely enter and leave the Royal Academy.

Third, when all direct clues are cut off, the simplest, crudest, and most effective method is to analyze the motive of the murder on a macro level based on the identity of the deceased.

Of course, this is not his original world. Because information is closed, the efficiency of solving crimes is also very different.

The process cannot rely on efficient technical means, there is no big data, and there is no nationwide networked identity tracking.

The detectives can only rely on Bao Qingtian who has strong imagination and reasoning ability in the investigation team under limited conditions.

Because of the murder, the entire dormitory building where Lieqi lived was emptied out. The outside was guarded by the army, and the lobby on the first floor was turned into a temporary office space for the investigation team.

Following several investigators, Xia Feng came all the way to this dormitory and walked into the lobby on the first floor.

As soon as he entered the door, Xia Feng saw a room full of people.

It has to be said that Lieqi came into contact with quite a few people before his death, including students, teachers, restaurant staff, clerks from various shops in the college, etc. At least 30 people were summoned to the entire hall.

What surprised Xia Feng was that Yin Hui and Jiao Feng were also among the ranks.

Of course, Yin Hui's identity is also very special. Not only is he not inferior to Lie Qi in terms of weight, he is even more important than Lie Qi.

Both belong to the International Commercial Bank family. Lie Qi is only the future heir, but Yin Hui is the patriarch. Therefore, he was not forced to be invited by the investigation team, but came voluntarily out of cooperation in handling the case.

At this time, Yin Hui was sitting on a chair that had obviously been carefully prepared. There was a cup of steaming tea on the table next to him, and Jiao Feng stood behind him expressionlessly.

After Xia Feng walked in, he casually looked at Yin Hui and then consciously stood with ordinary students.

These students were all those who were found to have had obvious contact with Lieqi recently. They had chatted and talked, had dinner together, played cards, and even left the college together on weekends.

These students are basically all from Victoria. To be able to mix with people of Lieqi's status, their backgrounds are naturally both rich and noble.

But now that this happened, all the usual arrogant aura disappeared, and everyone stood in the hall like chickens, fearing that their next words and deeds would arouse suspicion.

Xia Feng looked around in the crowd and finally found a familiar face.

Hey, Master Kahn, you and the second lady have also been summoned.

Kahn turned around when he heard the sound, and when he saw Xia Feng's face that needed a beating, he immediately narrowed his eyes.

Kahn approached Xia Feng, lowered his voice to the point where only the two of them could hear it, and asked.

Xia Feng, does Lie Qi's death have something to do with you?

At this moment, Xia Feng's timid look in the restaurant completely disappeared, and he asked in the same tone.

Master Kahn, I now strongly suspect that you killed Lieqi. May I ask what you were doing the night Lieqi died.

Kahn looked stunned. He didn't expect Xia Feng to dare to question him.

But before he could get angry, Xia Feng's soul torture continued.

Master Kahn, you have to speak with evidence. Now I want to ask you, I invited you to the party the night Lieqi died. Why didn't you come? Huh?

Under Kahn's uncertain gaze, Xia Feng put her mouth to his ear.

Are you busy killing people and don't have time?

Will add more later.

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