Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 587 Warmth in the Ice and Snow

In the following period, Black Feather ushered in a period of rapid development due to the availability of raw materials for Origin Stone processing.

Li Shu's acquisition in Casimir went very smoothly. It seems that this guy does have some skills and is a well-deserved local leader.

But as his influence grew, Casimir's large gangs in his country gradually noticed abnormalities.

There is no private source stone processing center in Casimir. In the past, their natural source stone clusters would be sent to Sami or the town of Gaya on the border of Victoria for processing.

Now that all the processing centers in Sami and Gaya Town have disappeared, all black market source stones need to be brought to Hapi City in Victoria. However, unlike the previous processing centers, Black Feather does not advocate charging processing fees, but directly purchasing them.

This has led to a result, that is, except for the source stones mined by the army in natural disaster areas in Casimir's own country, there are fewer and fewer finished source stones circulating underground.

There are some non-governmental organizations that do not have the strength to challenge natural disaster areas, but their business requires the consumption of finished source stones. Now that there are fewer and fewer smuggled source stones in the country, they can only go to Hapi City in Victoria and buy them from Xia Feng.

And because General Gleason turned a blind eye at the border, the cost and risk of smuggling transportation has been reduced again.

The Black Feather Chamber of Commerce has gradually become a true Originium giant.

As for Sami, although the only Source Stone processing point in the territory has disappeared, the Snow Emperor Group has used this to achieve achievements that it did not care much about before.

That is, as a middleman, they completely monopolized the private processing of Originium in Sami.

Xuedi Group has never purchased natural source stones before, because it would be like taking off your pants and farting. They have private processing sites for source stones in their own country.

Now that the only processing point has disappeared, and Yi Xuenan can get the lowest processing price from Xia Feng, of course, the profit from purchasing the natural source stone cluster will explode.

Yi Nanxue treats him as a tool, which seems to be a loss for Xia Feng, but there is nothing he can do about it. He has never thought about taking away Sami's market. His allies make money, and for him Not a bad thing.

Of course, it's not that he can't profit from it. On the contrary, the invisible benefits he gets from it are even greater.

Yi Nanxue will send the large amount of natural source stones purchased by Sami to his processing factory, and he has the final say as to when they will be delivered.

When enough wealth is accumulated, even if these things are not yours and are just temporarily stored here, you will become a bank.

It is not an ordinary bank, but Originium Bank. As for how banks use money to make money, there is more than one way.

A heavy snowfall in Victoria blocked the sight of the royal family, but Kuroyu's Origin Stone smuggling business has officially ushered in spring. Located in the small city of Hapi in the hinterland of the south, an underground smuggling network that can connect three surrounding major countries is being built. .

a week later.

Xia Feng's slender figure is no longer fierce, because her hair has grown longer, making her look even more kind.


Little Gu was hungry again and called Ifrit in the cage to feed it.

The heavy snow has passed for a while, and the temperature has warmed up a little in the past few days. Standing in front of the barbecue restaurant, Xia Feng stretched greatly.


Guigui walked to Xia Feng with a broom in hand.


Tidy up, we're ready to go back.

Back to where?

Back to the Royal Academy, of course.


The natural disaster action team led by Franka has returned with a large number of natural source stones, and the quantity in the finished product warehouse is sufficient for trading.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wanted to go back to the Royal Academy to talk to Yin Hui about the second batch of raw materials. At the same time, he also wanted to ask Yin Hui how many finished source stones he wanted to buy from him at one time.

Of course, these are all business matters. In addition to these, he also has something to do that he couldn't bear before but now has a clear conscience.

He wanted to find classmate Lie Qi to have a good talk about life and let him understand the fragility of life.

Nancy has overall control over the capital and Originium business of the headquarters, Lao Pu is responsible for the receipt and output of Originium orders, and Reddy is responsible for negotiating with new customers.

As for the Chamber of Commerce in Notting City, it is very stable under the auspices of Nanfeng. Today, the Chamber of Commerce's maritime smuggling still accounts for 80% of Black Feather's total revenue, making it the largest and most stable source of income.

But with the rise of the Origin Stone business, this ratio will soon be reversed.

As the leader of Black Feather at the highest peak, Xia Feng has no time to take into account the details of business. He must look beyond the current situation and see the future.

At the same time, he must also anticipate obstacles on the road to development and remove them in a timely manner.

Before leaving, Shuangxing found Xia Feng with a red scarf.

Compared with just returning from Ursus, Shuangxing's overall complexion has improved a lot, and there is a bit of blood on his pale face.

During this period of time, Dr. Kane has been using the Breathing Flame Flower to try various treatments for body cold syndrome, such as oral administration, external application, injection, and even allowed Snow Monster No. 4 to cook with the rhizome of the Breathing Flame Flower.

As for the therapeutic effect, in addition to Shuangxing himself, everyone living in the barbecue restaurant can also clearly feel it.

The most intuitive feeling is that when sleeping in the small villa behind the yard at night, everyone will not be woken up by the sudden cold in the middle of the night.

At the desk, Shuangxing handed the repaired red scarf to Xia Feng.

Xia Feng, I knitted it again. Maybe it's not very good. Please see if it fits. If not, I'll change it again.

Xia Feng took the scarf and found it soft and warm. It seemed to be made of the highest grade wool.

The color of the entire scarf is more vivid than before. Only the color of the middle area is slightly different, which is the original part of the scarf.

The length and width are perfect, it seems Froststar has carefully studied the size.

In addition, Xia Feng also discovered a small easter egg on this scarf.

At the end of the scarf, there is a small, crooked pattern woven with white wool. If Xia Feng saw it correctly, it should be a white bunny.

Frost Star, what is this?

After Xia Feng discovered her little thoughts, Shuangxing's eyes dodge a little.

This is something I made on a whim. I woven it without permission. If you don't like it, I can take it apart and weave it again.

The crooked little rabbit didn't look very beautiful, but Xia Feng seemed to be able to see Shuangxing's serious weaving.

This scarf was something from his original world, but while retaining part of its identity, it now had a new meaning.

This red scarf with a little white rabbit pattern seems to connect the two worlds and make them merge into one.

Xia Feng carefully put the scarf on his neck, and the shocking Originium crystal on his neck was also covered in warmth.

I like it very much, this is my treasure, I will cherish it, Frost Star, thank you.

Hearing Xia Feng's words, Shuangxing smiled from the bottom of his heart.

This smile is very similar to the flash-in-the-pan smile he had in Longmen Prison, but since coming to the barbecue restaurant, Shuangxing's smile has become much more proficient.

Bon Voyage.


After arranging things at home, Aguang sent Xia Feng, Guigui and the others back to the Royal Academy that night.

The car drove forward in the ice and snow. The stretch of road in the wilderness was lonely and desolate, but behind the summer wind, the warmth was enough to support him to keep moving forward until tomorrow.

Fengfeng was delayed by something today. There is only one chapter in the main text today, and an extra chapter in the following chapter.

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