After finishing the history of Tullerman, the teacher knocked on the blackboard.

This is the complete story. You don't need to care too much. You just need to remember that Tullerman was the first person in the world to discover the energy of the Origin Stone. This is enough. The exam will only test this.

There was a sporadic sound coming from below.


After the teacher finished speaking, Xia Feng sat down and thought about it for a long time.

This person who lost his right eye is obviously more reliable than some shepherd genius awakening, but this reliability is only relative.

If the latter is true, it's no less outrageous.

The biggest question is, why did the stranger who lost his right eye already know that the Source Stone is the lifeblood of the world when the world was still in its primitive stage?

It wouldn't be right to say that person was Styx, because he had seen Styx and he didn't have any missing eyes.

And Styx didn't necessarily know the secret of the Origin Stone at that time.

After class, seeing Xia Feng still sitting in a daze, Di Pai called him.

Xia Feng, get out of class is over, let's go to the cafeteria to eat.

Xia Feng came to his senses.

Oh, let's go.

Because of the unpleasantness that happened at Royal No. 1 Restaurant last time, Paddy refused to go there this time and insisted on going to the crowded cafeteria to eat. With no choice, Xia Feng, who was not short of money, could only accompany him to the cafeteria. .

In the next few days, Xia Feng returned to his peaceful school life.

In addition to attending classes, his first task is to wait for the arrival of Yin Hui. Secondly, he is also looking for people to cooperate with as much as possible among the students in the college.

Kalan Trading is rich and powerful, but Xia Feng still can't hang himself from a tree without seeing Yin Hui in person and confirming his position and attitude.

To put it simply, he knew Yin Hui, but Yin Hui didn't know him. He was just a stranger to Yin Hui.

Except for the first day when he returned to the academy and went to the cafeteria with Paddy, Xia Feng would go to the Royal No. 1 restaurant at noon every day after that, because only in this kind of place could he meet the people he wanted to meet. people.

One day, Xia Feng met a familiar person at the Royal No. 1 restaurant. Of course, he had never seen her with his own eyes. He just accidentally heard that person's friend call her name, Lin Yuxia.

Lin Yuxia is the Mouse King's youngest daughter. Because of what happened at Longmen, she was invited by Nanfeng to have tea at a barbecue restaurant. Although the process was relaxing and pleasant, Xia Feng always felt a little embarrassed.

A glass of juice was placed on Lin Yuxia's dining table.


Lin Yuxia raised her head. Unlike the Rat King, apart from her round ears like a mouse, Lin Yuxia was very handsome and had a pair of big eyes that were very smart.

Lin Yuxia stared at Xia Feng.

Who are you? I don't know you.

Xia Feng scratched his face.

Well, my name is Xia Feng. I'm sorry about what happened before.

Lin Yuxia frowned.

Are you Xia Feng?

Exactly down there.

It doesn't look like anything.


Lin Yuxia had nothing to say to him, and the matter was in the past.

One day at noon.

Xia Feng met an eldest lady in the restaurant who seemed to be cooperative.

This person was introduced to him by senior sister Gresha, who was General Grissom's daughter.

Xia Feng sat at the dining table, looked at the girl opposite who had a noble temperament and looked like a member of the Victoria royal family, and said.

Are you Miss Ceylon?

Ceylon wears a white women's hat and a blue and white dress.

She said elegantly after taking a sip of the black tea on the table.

I am Ceylon, and my father is the mayor of Xista City. I wonder what Xia Feng wants to cooperate with me?

Xia Feng didn't know Ceylon before, but he had learned about Ceylon in the geography class of Origin Stone. It was an independent city-state located on the west coast of Colombia and not under the jurisdiction of any country.

The concept of independent city-states is not uncommon in the world of Terra. Due to certain historical factors, these self-contained large cities are not dependent on major powers. There were many independent city-states like Siesta City in history.

But unlike other independent city-states, Siesta is not a mobile city. Its development relies entirely on a nearby volcano.

Today, although there are still many independent cities on Terra, their leaders have realized that individual cities cannot compete with the country. In recent years, many independent cities have taken the initiative to surrender to neighboring countries.

To this day, Siesta City still does not belong to any country, because the ore produced in the volcano near Siesta will allow it to obtain all the resources for independent development.

Black Feather is in urgent need of raw materials for Originium processing. As long as the price is right, Xia Feng doesn't mind finding a few more suppliers.

Xia Feng took out a report form from his pocket.

Miss Ceylon, I don't know if your Siesta produces these raw materials, even just one of them.

After receiving the report, Ceylon read it quickly and then shook his head.

Sorry, we Xista don't have the things you need.

Xia Feng was depressed. He had at least more than ten kinds of raw materials, but Xista didn't have any of them. So what did it rely on to survive?

Miss Ceylon, what do you Xista produce?

When he mentioned the specialties of his hometown, Ceylon’s voice was full of pride.

We, Siesta, will produce the best quality obsidian in the world.

Obsidian, Xia Feng has heard of this name. If I remember correctly, the bracelet Nancy clamored to buy last time was made of obsidian. The price of a broken bracelet is more expensive than gold.

But apart from being expensive, Xia Feng really didn't know much about obsidian.

Miss Ceylon, is this obsidian you are talking about powerful?

Ceylon put down the tea cup.

Obsidian is a rare mineral formed in volcanic areas. In today's world, I'm afraid only Siesta has a stable production environment.

Ceylan said it was very powerful, but Xia Feng didn't think it was very powerful.

So, what is the use of obsidian?

Obsidian is a very, very precious mineral, even more precious than Source Stone in terms of quantity and rarity.

Xia Feng looked at Ceylan confused.

Can the obsidian you mentioned be eaten?

How do you eat rocks?

Can that be used as an energy source?

How can stones be used as energy sources?

Can that be used as raw material?

It's so precious, how can it be used as raw material?

Xia Feng's whole body was about to burst.

Sister, so what's the use of it?

Ceylon didn't pay attention to Xia Feng's repeated questions. She twitched her cuffs gracefully.

On her wrist is a string of shiny black bracelets.

This is obsidian, it's very beautiful.


Xia Feng finally understood. It turns out that obsidian is not a question of whether it is powerful or not. Its greatest use is that it is beautiful.

In the follow-up conversation with Ceylon, Xia Feng learned that obsidian can only be made into jewelry. However, although it is a vase stone, its value is enough to promote the development of an independent city.

At the same time, obsidian is said to have another effect, that is, the wearer can slightly suppress ore disease. However, this statement has not been confirmed by the scientific community. To put it bluntly, it is like a jade seller saying that wearing jade jewelry can prevent cancer.

After talking for a long time, it turned out that her family in Ceylon was a jewelry tycoon.

Classmate Xia Feng, I heard that your family runs a chamber of commerce. Do you need to purchase a batch of obsidian from Xista? As an alumnus, I can give you the lowest price.

Xia Feng sighed.

Okay, let's make a batch. It just so happens that an old friend of mine plans to open a small handicraft workshop.

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