Xia Feng doesn't need Dr. Kane to agree to anything now. In fact, even if he agrees to join now, Heiyu has nothing to offer him. The most he can do is take care of food at noon and evening.

The source of drugs requires special channels, medical and research equipment requires a huge amount of money, and assistants also need professionals in the field of Origin Stone, which is not the ability he has now.

However, this is what Xia Feng must accomplish. Black Feather's goal is not to become the world's top medical aid organization, but medical capabilities are indispensable, because judging from the few members currently available, more than half are is infected.

After listening to Xia Feng's words, Kane nodded solemnly. This was definitely good news for him. In other words, Xia Feng's words allowed his clinic to see a glimmer of light in chronic death, and this light might... Another chapter in Azazel begins.

I will seriously consider it.

Okay, I'll work hard too.

Afterwards, Xia Feng briefly chatted with Dr. Kane. He briefly introduced the experience of his group to Kane. Of course, the fact that Ifrit was an experimental subject still had to be kept secret. It was not that Xia Feng did not trust him. Kane, but the consequences once this matter is exposed are beyond his current ability to cope with.

From Chernobog to Mandel City, from Ursus to Colombia, and then to Victoria after wandering at sea, he established his own organization. Kane was also amazed by Xia Feng's experience.

He originally thought that this young man was just a passionate young man who decided to change the world because of the ore disease, but he did not expect that he had experienced so many heavy things, and the members around him were not only gathered together because of their shared beliefs. , but a companion who never let go of his hand in the wandering life and death.

After listening to Xia Feng's story, Kane also introduced his own experience to Xia Feng.

Kane is from Ursus, but what is very surprising is that his experience as an infected person is opposite to that of most people. Others who contracted the ore disease tried their best to leave Ursus, but he had never been there before. In Ursus, he returned to Ursus only after contracting the ore disease.

According to Kane, he spent his student days in Colombia, and later went to Columbia University to specialize in the field of Originium. After graduation, he stayed at the university to further his studies and teach at the same time. He was a veritable Originium super expert, and later even joined the Colombian National Academy of Sciences, personally responsible for many important projects.

Before contracting ore sickness, Kane had been engaged in scientific research in Colombia. However, due to a certain opportunity, he came into contact with Rheinland Life, a biotechnology research institute funded by the Colombian state.

In his close interactions with Rhine Life, Kane discovered something that was contrary to his beliefs.

Since then, he has resigned from all identities, abandoned all achievements, and returned to Ursus alone.

Xia Feng knew that the contact with Rhine life that Kane mentioned should have happened many years ago. As for what Kane discovered, he could also make a rough guess.

If your guess is correct, it should be the predecessor of the Balrog Project, an experimental project of 18 experimental subjects starting from SP-019 Experimental Subject Ifrit.

Looking at Kane's face, Xia Feng suddenly felt that his tone and way of speaking were somewhat similar to someone else.

Although Kane is from Ursus, he looks very thin, about the same height as Xia Feng, with a messy beard on his face. If you look closely, you can see that he is not young anymore, about 40-50 years old. , but the eyes under the glasses still reveal a perseverance and seriousness.

Xia Feng asked.

Dr. Kane, have you had experience teaching at Columbia University before?

That's right.

Do you know a woman named Helmer?

Upon hearing this name, Kane's expression changed significantly.

You mean Hemer?

Yes, she is from the Liboli tribe and is a young woman.

After listening to Xia Feng's explanation, Kane seemed to be sure that this was the same person he was thinking of.

Hermer, she is a student of mine.

Xia Feng thought to himself, this is indeed the case.

He felt that this temperament seemed familiar before. It had nothing to do with appearance or race, but an attitude towards others.

Rational, serious, calm, persistent, and with a sense of justice, there is no doubt that under the influence of his teacher, Hemer still retains a lot of Kane's shadow.

Kane turned out to be Hemmer's teacher.

After breaking through Hemo's relationship, Xia Feng felt closer to Kane, and he immediately explained to Kane.

It's true. Hemo is a very good friend of mine. She has helped me a lot. She is even half of my savior. You are actually Hemo's teacher. To be honest, this makes me My respect for you has increased again.”

Hearing Hemmer, Kane's expression clearly showed a hint of relief, or call it a kind of pride.

It's not that serious. Hemer is my favorite student. She is a genius. She showed unparalleled talent when she was a student. Her achievements should have surpassed mine by now.

You are humble.

Oh, it's nothing. The students' achievements exceed those of the teachers. This is something to be happy about.

Xia Feng continued.

By the way, Helmer is now the person in charge of the Origin Stone Project of Rhine Life. Do you know about this?

Upon hearing the news, Kane's expression became complicated.

Hemer called me a few years ago when she decided to join RheinLife. I had already returned to Ursus at that time. I advised her to consider it carefully on the phone. To be honest, I personally did not recommend that she join Rheinlife. It’s just that I didn’t have a legitimate reason to stop her.”

Why not suggest it?

“Because I understand Hemmer’s character, and I also know Rheinland Life’s true face hidden under the appearance of scientific research. Of course, it is undeniable that Rheinland Life is the most authoritative scientific research institution in the world, but some ideas may conflict with Hemer’s values.

Kane smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, Hemo joined us later, and now she has become the person in charge of the Source Stone project. Ha, maybe my idea at the time was too paranoid.


Xia Feng said categorically.

Your concerns are not wrong. I believe that Hemer must now understand your suggestions very well. However, there are some things that even if you make the seemingly correct choice at the time, the result is still unknown. The suggestions you gave are not wrong. , Hermer's choice is not wrong, or you are all wrong, and it is this intertwined process of right, wrong, and wrong that constitutes the present moment.

That's right, if Kane had tried his best to stop Hemmer, or if Hemer had obediently followed his mentor's advice, then there is a high chance that there would be no Eve among the Rhode Island operators three years later. The name Leeteuk.

The direction of history will lead to a completely unknown result. Just like his own choice at this moment, the encounter with Kane will also lead to the unknown in the future.

Dr. Kane.


In the near future, I may be able to find you a capable helper.

Could it be?

Yes, he is your student, Mr. Hemo.

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