Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 216 Suffocation

Tick tock, tick tock!

The rhythm of the clock reached my ears, and the air in the study was so oppressive that it seemed suffocating.

Xia Feng didn't know if Richie would believe him, but judging from all the current information, he was innocent. Unless Richie believed in his heart that he did it, there would be no evidence to prove that he was the murderer.

20 minutes later.

Reddy put down the phone and reported to Richie, who was sitting in a chair with a sullen face.

Boss, we have accurate news. Around 6 o'clock tonight, the [Ghost] bar in the East District was set on fire. Simon was killed on the way there. His body was found on a side street less than a hundred meters away from the [Ghost] bar. He was found in the alley and there were signs of a fight.”

Richie's face was frighteningly gloomy.

Where's the murderer?

According to the traces at the scene, the fight only lasted a short time. All the joints in Simon's body were twisted, and the fatal injury was a broken Adam's apple. This technique is similar to a grappling technique used by Colombian mercenaries. It is a method that can be used in a short time. Quick and deadly unarmed killing technique.

Hearing Reddy's words, Richie glanced at Xia Feng from the corner of his eyes.

Colombian mercenaries?

Seeing Richie's eyes, Xia Feng said immediately.

Boss, I know that kind of grappling technique, but I don't know how to use it at all. It's not my style. You saw how I killed Benji that day. To put it bluntly, I think that technique is too low.

Reddy's voice continued.

It is indeed not Xia Feng's fault. According to reports from people in the East District, Simon did stay with Xia Feng before he left. Until something happened to him, Xia Feng never left the bar.

Look, let me just say that no matter what happens, I will never kill my brothers in the gang.

Richie's expression softened slightly, but his tone remained gloomy.

Why did you go to the East District to find Simon today?

Xia Feng immediately explained righteously.

I went to him to apologize. As you know, we had a little friction during the party that day. I was afraid that he would hold a grudge, so today I brought a big watermelon and made a special trip to apologize. It cost me more than 20 yuan. .”

Reddy next to him nodded towards Richie, indicating that Xia Feng was right.

The air fell into dead silence again.

Richie sat on the chair, his face as solemn as the sky before a storm.

Xia Feng slowly walked to Richie and said.

Boss, what are we going to do now? The East District is our foundation in Happy City!

Let me think.

Xia Feng pressed forward step by step.

Boss, make up your mind quickly. There was an accident at the Liye family's chemical plant a few days ago, and now there's another accident in the East District. Look at this.

What's the noise? I told you to let me think about it!


At this moment, Reddy's phone suddenly rang.

Reddy glanced at the phone number.

Boss, it's someone from the East District calling.



Reddy answered the phone, and after a moment, his expression showed a rare panic.

Putting down the phone, Reddy immediately reported to Rich.

Boss, just now, another bar of ours was set on fire. It was the [Wolf Clan] Bar. It was worse than the ghost. The first and second floors were all blown up, and the whole building was engulfed in flames.


Richie slammed the table and uttered a rare curse word.

However, Reddy's debriefing was not over yet.

Boss, there is more.

what else!

Reddy swallowed and continued.

In addition to the casualties in the bar, several of Simon's close brothers are all missing. Now the fire brigade and military police have arrived at the scene. Ajie stays in his territory and dare not leave. Now the area Simon is responsible for is basically leaderless.


Xia Feng kicked the bookcase to pieces and roared.

Damn it, boss, we're being targeted!

Richie and Reddy were so shocked that they didn't even think about why Xia Feng kicked the broken bookcase.

Under the continuous stimulation of vicious events, Richie's thinking has become somewhat chaotic. Coupled with the startled Xia Feng next to him, his anger has gradually been replaced by fear.

He felt that Xia Feng was right. Happy City was being targeted. The previous incident at the Leaf Family Factory had greatly reduced his prestige in the Fredo Chamber of Commerce. But today, someone actually attacked the bar under his nose. It was even more unbelievable. What's strange is that the boss of the East District was killed in such a confused manner.

This forced him to associate the two incidents together. The factory fire and the bar attack might have been done by the same group of people.

Richie clenched his fists. He now needed someone to stand up, and this person must be able to calm the situation.

Xia Feng!


Li stood up from the chair, quickly walked to Xia Feng and stared into his eyes.

You immediately take people to the East District to stabilize the situation. All bars are closed and I arrest all the suspicious people. But remember, don't conflict with the military and police. I will call the Security Bureau later. Hello, you go over now, I will call you if you have any orders.

Xia Feng nodded solemnly.

Don't worry, boss, I'll go over and deal with it right away. As long as I, Xia Feng, am here, the East District will still be your back garden.

Richie patted Xia Feng on the shoulder.

Okay, I read you right. At this critical moment, capable people must step forward. I will leave the East District to you. I will call Aijie and ask him to assist you. If you need any help, please feel free to contact Lei. Dee.”


Finally, Richie gritted his teeth and said.

Xia Feng, I don't want to see similar incidents again, and we must avenge this.

As if feeling Richie's anger, Xia Feng also gritted his teeth.

Boss, I will not only suppress the East District, but also dig out those who target us, drain the blood, peel off the skin, and dry them into dried meat to feed the dogs.

Seeing Xia Feng gritting his teeth, Richie nodded happily.

Okay, go ahead.


Xia Feng turned around and rushed down the stairs quickly, his back looking like a warrior with a mission.

After walking out of Richie's villa, Xia Feng opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

Xia Feng almost laughed out loud as he rubbed his cheek, which was sore from gritting his teeth.

A Guang, who was driving, turned his head.

Brother Feng, where are we going now?

To the East End.

After thinking about it, Xia Feng said to A Guang again.

Call all your brothers who collect protection money and bring in some people from the casino. We're going to get to work.


A Guang, who was driving, didn't know Xia Feng's plan yet. His face was a little pale. It was probably his first time to experience such a brutal gang revenge incident.

Brother Feng, do you think those who bombed the bar are the same group as those who set fire to the factory a few days ago?


So sure?

Of course, I guarantee it with my head.

Wait a minute, Brother Feng, why do you look so happy? What are you laughing at?

I'm not smiling.

You are obviously smiling, you haven't stopped since you got in the car.

Oh, I remembered something happy.

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